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  1. Are we still talking about kids playing football here ? come on guys ... put egos away and let the games be played out ... Its like kindergartners say my dad can beat up your dad except its adults saying my son is better than your son.... WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A KIDS GAME !!! I mean who cares as long as: 1.They all have fun playing,  and  2.they learn and grow. 
  2. I was always taught by my elders, If your going to do something be good at it. So heres to you JUSTWATCHING...   So you just posted in this section that you dont have a kid playing this year huh ?     But in another section you posted :        So there you go .... nuff sed!!!!
  3. So Port Arthur is back in our league ? theres so many rumors of this and that ...
  4. Im with ya BB
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