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Everything posted by WHBaseball14

  1. thats right it aint gonna happen. not this year.
  2. yup its gonna b a good game. one of my friends said he has seen and talked 2 yalls fullback. in other words he said he was huge and strong!
  3. yup! we may not b 2A but weve got a couple of LB's that would prob like 2 try!
  4. congrats 2! tech maybe he can bring some knowledge from the back2back world series champs to lubbock! looks like the Big XII is gonna get even better!
  5. ur welcome king anytime.
  6. thats a pritty bold statement.!
  7. ya we could start by getting rid of some of the 6 guards that we have! lol! ;D
  8. ok. he came over from Europe about 4 years ago 2 try and play college basketball he ended up playing at some small community college and then A&M scouts found him and signed him 2 a bball scholarship and played there for 3 years. if u want 2 see some stats on him u may b able 2 find them at aggieathletics.com then go under mens sports and chose basketball and i think they have a stats page in there. does that help??
  9. thats gonna b intresting 2 see how that plays out. another earnhardt on the track!!!
  10. well Kavaliauskas gives u the answer. he is a big pf that can actually play center. his shooting isnt bad at all either.
  11. ya its unlikely 2 happen but vince carter opted out of his contract last night, that would b cool if we could get the cousins back 2gether again! and when i say that im talking about him and tmac.
  12. The last 2 days have been friggen awesome! 1st uve got biggio get # 3,000 and then in the same game carlos hits a walkoff grad salami! then the next night loretta hits a walkoff 2 run homerun!
  13. yup but the bulls arnt gonna b a slouch of a team either!
  14. not if they were playin southwest louisiana maybe sam houston or sfa.
  15. speaking of sucker gm's can we trade ours 4 some1 else! lol! ;D
  16. good point ruckdad. and we can dvr any other games. myself bein an aggie i dont have 2 worry about alot of my games commin on tv cause the only ones that really dor r the ones agains texas, tech, and ou. so that leav 8 games out of the season 2 go watch at LU and if there was a game goin on i could check on it every 15 or 20 min on my cell phone. thats the benefit of all the new technology.
  17. i remember seein that game on texas high school spotlight the day after! look like a long game!
  18. thats pritty cool!
  19. thats a good point, but u never know about the astros! they could turn it around in a new york minute! They've only done this the last 3 years.
  20. Really?? who did u play for???
  21. that is a good point denis! if they did get the program back up and running that would give the university a big boost! My grandfather and one of my cousint played football at lamar in the late 60's and early 70's back when it was Lamar Tech. But like denis said there r positive and negative points 2 try and bring back the program.
  22. ya ok! if anything they will all push each other 2 titles.
  23. yup that was funny bucster!!
  24. Up there def gonna b good!
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