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Everything posted by WHBaseball14

  1. ! lol! if this is about sports why do they have a band section??? ive always wanted 2 know that! lol!
  2. yup and hit another cliff on the way down.
  3. when was the last time i did that??? umm let me see 10th grade and im a senior now. besides that fact i know that meche, kelley, and bordes will b good. tubbs will b good running up the gut. i was joking about the whole alto thing, i dont even know who they have.
  4. any back from alto! lol!
  5. America's team??? it seems 2 me like the spurs seem more like america's team these days! ;D
  6. exactly he's just another jelouse laker fan! cause we got yao and they lost shaq!
  7. They would def b a title contender next year if they got him.
  8. yes that would b a very bad move.
  9. yup! even though they lost the best clutch shooter in college basketball in Acie Law.
  10. ya he was offerd scholarships 4 basketball but he decided 2 take the track 1 instead. he has already said that he wants 2 play basketball 4 them in the 2 or 3 years.
  11. ok then why did Brandon Letsinger (from my high school) play in 2 high school all star games and get a D-1 scholarship 2 Texas A&M 4 high Jump and will prob play basketball 4 them in the next 2 years????
  12. so basically ur sayin 1a schools are over rated???
  13. yup ya down a team on here ur gonna get smitted!
  14. thank god!! lol! that will b a site 2 see! from the couch at the house! lol!
  15. coop i think it is 200 because i can already see it and i just got 2 200. Dickie V u shouldnt mouth at big sandy people so much and that wouldnt happen! lol!
  16. yup! 3 more 2 go! the pitching is killin us!
  17. ya start lookin 2wards the next season now but dont trade ur best pitcher in the bullpen in qualls. that would b a smart idea 2 bring some people from the farm up and the end of the year though.
  18. ok well 55 more and i can have it! lol!
  19. hey lazeek hadnt seen u on here in a while! but i think that HJ would win this game!
  20. whoever said that nederland talks unbackedup smack is a lil goofy!
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