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Everything posted by WHBaseball14

  1. I find that very funny! i cant stand Jeff "fag" Gordon
  2. dude wat is wrong with u???? biggio is the face of the francise and prob if not the best the astros have ever had!!!
  3. I would absolutly LOVE if the 'stros got arod this offseason but myself and about a billion other people know that he will prob opt out of his final years of his contract and go sign a deal with the cubies. Izturis is in his final year of his contract so the cubs wont sign him back they will go after arod and put him back at shortstop. plus havin sweet lou there in chicago basically reels in arod 4 the cubs. there gonna b loaded!!!
  4. if lidge is the reason the 'stros r losin then why did the bullpen blow a lead 2 times last night??? just wonderin. ya lidge has blown things but he's not the entire reason why there losin. Berkman is 1 of my favorite players but he hasnt really picked up his slack.
  5. thanks! i may not like hd but theres nuthin wrong with some1 just tryin 2 find a head coaching job. like stevieray said dont hide behind the screen name go talk 2 the man if uve got a problem with him.
  6. runs a 4.8 40....hes actually played a lil bit of RB b4.
  7. dude why r u raggin on the man hes try 2 break through and get a head coaching job??? is there something wrong with that? and besides he already told u that if u want 2 talk 2 him or about him 2 stop by his office anytime!
  8. arond 6' 2" or 6' 3"
  9. i think that need 2 b checked cause we have been playin awholelot longer than that!!!!
  10. even though hes been here 4 years he still has alot of growin room. being around people like biggio, bagwell, berkman, Lee will help him. if anything they can give him battin tips. The fact is if they need 2 get rid of any1 it would have 2 be ensberg and lane, they havnt been helping the team out at all. and if ur yellin about how the astros need 2 get rid of burke how come ur not yellin for everett 2 b released 2??? he is the same thing as burke, bad offense but the best defensive shortstop in the leauge!
  11. nuthin is wrong with Burke he just isnt an outfielder! he will b alot better once he gets 2 start playin at 2nd!!! he is the future and 2nd after Biggio retires.
  12. hold on HD ownes the series????? go look it up i bet they dont! i mean ya HD may have won state back in the 70's but i dont think they lead the series between us!
  13. It shure did get quiet on here!!! ;D
  14. We got our own thread now! ya the game is gonna be good! but we will walk away with the win! 21-7!
  15. yup coop i agree they need the pitching especially after last night.
  16. word is that Baggy said he wants 2 b there 4 the hit weather it b on the road or at home, he said if it would b at home he would ask the commisioners office if he cant put on a jersey and stay in the dugout! that would b cool 2 see the 5 and 7 2gether again.
  17. What do yall think the astros should do before the trade deadline??? try and get more pitching, trade morgan ensberg 4 another quality 3rd basemen or try and get a big bat??? not that they dont have big bats in Lee and Pence and for the moment Lamb.
  18. I lilke it guys!!!!! lol! ;D ;D
  19. ok will see about that when it comes gametime.....
  20. yup bruntlett was called up but loretta will get the bulk starts at short while everett is gone.
  21. yup exactly what my buddy just said! > >
  22. I hope he stays with A&M! with that much talent commiting the ags shouldnt just let him walk away.
  23. ya i think that is a lil bit ridiculous!
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