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Everything posted by indian28

  1. i dont remember seeing sam mcguffie in the top 100 running backs for the houston chronicle.
  2. who would that be? the best 8th grader would be matt desmond a qb from groves
  3. lamarque lost its whole varsity except for 2 players... they have alot of work to do and they lost all their coaches.. good luck to them
  4. why does everyone keep talking about central and ozan? ozan was horrible last year and that was centrals first good year in a while. and png had its first bad season in forever. but we cant come back whys that?
  5. png. they have alot of guys coming up from the jv. there gonna bestacked on offesne. and a running back who ran 3 touchdowns on nederlan in one game had 200 yards on dayton and 3 touchdowns on central. and i know they will all be bringing people up
  6. theres a sophomre at png that can
  7. Matt Desmond from groves middle school is a very good quarter back he should be a starter in afew years
  8. incredible is doin the work out for 375 as a sophmore and finishing your last set out of 4 with two reps of 330
  9. ha the big two you mean PNG and Nederland
  10. PNG will be stacked on offense this year.
  11. actually the topic is how many guys can bench press 300 lbs?
  12. yea.. i didnt know what was up then. not the guys best friend or anything but i go to school with him so i see whats goin on.
  13. dont see how him havin to make up a test for a class has anything to do with taking illegal supplements... its a shame people always have to jump straight to that. yeah that is phenomenal weight to be lifting but if you knew the guy you wouldnt think that with the exception of him being very big. i mean laid back guy never been injured. and no sign of acne problems haha
  14. he's an A-B student i dont know all the details. but i know an incomplete on a report card means you didnt make up a test or something.. but that does mean he made it up...
  15. on the thspa website his first meet put him at number 5 in the state. in the polls i mean. and he didnt get to go to regionals either because of the report card misshap. they re rank you weekly by your point total
  16. his junior and senior year.. he's a sophmore right now
  17. he was 5th in the state and the youngest competitor so he will win next year. he didnt go because i heard he had an incomplete on his report card and you know how that goes nowadays... but im sure he will next year
  18. he's 5'9 190 pounds
  19. well you know throwin around 300 pounds must mean its a strong guy. thats what sophmore josh wright does in the weight room. he won the meet in westbrook for powerlifting 1st place and outstanding lifter. broke the school incline record with 330 and is closing in on the bench record he will try for 375 the record is 370. the old incline record is 300... school record for squat is 565 wright does 500 as a sophmore, powerclean 285 wright-270, incline 330-wright, bench 375 wright 365 right now... 40 time is a 4.47
  20. well besides begnaud whose a senior wrights the fastest guy we got. he's not winnin first in the 100 or 200 but he's been placing 3rd and 4th.. but you gotta look at it in retrospect.. we haven had a meet where westbrook central and all those predominantly speed schools arent there ya know.. not tryin to take away from wrights ability he's a very fast kid he runs a 4.47 forty and an 11.5 100 meter dash.. he works on it in practice at doing 200's to make his 100 time better.. but he's yet to get a first place ribbon
  21. what juice has kris wedekind been taking? that wright kid was way stronger than him when they went to the same school now all of a sudden your sayin wedekind matches him.
  22. uh sports card.. were talkin about josh wright on that quote not a girl
  23. ask the coaches... ill put money on it
  24. alright freshman game wright scored 2 touchdowns against yall? your contradicting yourself everytime i bring up how he seems to have yall beat.. oh and it takes more than one guy to win a game. but youll see. noone heard about reggie bush until his junior year... and look at what he did. youll see im not saying he's a reggie bush. but youll see.
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