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Everything posted by BBallFan24

  1. been that way for years at ozen but they still dont move it... and as for the Worst field and Stadium that goes to Central.... i agree with lcm fan
  2. DD is right handed Destin James is left Handed
  3. you still have alot of games left there so dont Get Count your Jaguars before they are born..... youll get your props (IF) you go to playoffs which is highly unlikely.... Play with the rest get Beat by the Best... and the Best is still down the Road.... the 2nd time around in District... Like i said were not "doggin" you or denying you of your ability to play but you still have some proving to do so lets see if you can continue....
  4. Statum and Hicks are good and another Freshman Hester from Vidor is going to be someone to watch in the near future that kid can throw it...
  5. I feel sorry for Vj hes been battling injuries in football baseball etc... for a few years now.. AND NOW THIS... Awesome kid Has Huge passion for Baseball the Heart and Pride for Vidor.... They need his support in the dugout for the next few weeks until the second half of district...
  6. Silsbee wins this won ;D
  7. ill call him today and double check that coop
  8. Im sorry I just dont see you taking this one #3 but ill be at the game to watch you.... so show me what you got hopefully its more then what you have on this forum and thats Talking like your the best. Just play the game and have class dont get on here bragging PLAY THE GAME!! ;D
  9. wow VIdor is ranked 10th thats seems crazy has this happened in a while??? good job COACH GREEN Get Well Soon VJ!
  10. gonna be close....
  11. Yea I think its pretty DAM* accurate ur just mad cause Jasper isnt #1
  12. Its still early dont count your jaguars before they are even born ;D
  13. Yea broncos better Limit the Errors and margin of victory to show me something after the Lumberton score. Im just ready for the game ;D
  14. I Change my Mind thanks to Morgan..... and his self obsessiveness with his own team... HJ by as much as possible
  15. We will see TUESDAY!! the broncs better come ready to play as well as the pirates... I think its been a very long time but Vidor has a shot at going 4-0 to start off the year ;D
  16. morgan you sure are self obsessive? Id be ashamed the way you come on here bragging about your team..... Noone wants to hear your whining. Dont complain just play the GAME ;D And yet another great week lies ahead of us cant wait till the showdown in midcounty
  17. Vidor's Rollin havnt seen dayton play ima say vidor by 6...... 9-3
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