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Mr. Thornton Melon

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Mr. Thornton Melon last won the day on January 22 2024

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  1. And 4 Jock Straps
  2. Firing and hiring coaches puts too much paperwork on office staff in their eyes. They want as least work as possible
  3. Time to get those e-mails sent. This dude has destroyed BMT fooseball
  4. It was 44-41 the first game and 49-28 the next year. First game was close
  5. I hope Buddy Adams doesn't relocate the team to Tennessee
  6. The BIG question is: Will the new coach play the Superintendents son ?
  7. He got out of Stark. Good for him
  8. Vidors bring state ranked was ridiculous, what a joke. They running the slot-t in basketball also ?
  9. Trying to sell subscriptions again 🙄
  10. BH just had two good coaches. Is a new coach really going to help ?
  11. I'm hearing that Tobias Foreman has his name in the hat
  12. No, it's definitely Crosby that's the most hated
  13. Bringing back Gages' run game and the striped uniforms ?
  14. When does the current HC @ Shoemaker start ?
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