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Everything posted by Justpassingthrough

  1. What is the cost of girls playing select softball? And is that the only way for a girl to get a scholarship for college?  Has it become a sport that if you don't have the income for your daughter to play travel ball she will not be able to be seen by scouts? I would like to hear from current and former players and parents if it was worth the money.  I understand there will be success stories as well as those that were not as fortunate to get to the collegiate level.  I have noticed the kids are getting younger and want to know the average cost from a beginning stand point to when they get that scholarship.  I have heard the average to play can get up to about 9000 a year or more between travel, hotels, dues, eating and practice.  Is that true? The family that told me this daughter played from 10 yrs old until her junior year in high school and decided she did not want to play anymore. This was just so shocking to me that she could have just played high school ball and saved the money and paid for school.  So, I wanted know if you have to play select ball to go to college? The family said they would do it again even knowing what they do now. Because that is what their daughter wanted to do, and they had the money. Just curious if this was the norm or is this family the exception. 
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