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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. You must be Bumstead's mother. What are his head coaching qualifications?
  2. This goes back to Little Donny Lee. He screwed over Coach Morgan when he brought this guy in. Then he screwed over Campus Admin to bring in this guys wife, then he screwed over teachers when he created a job for Kinne's wife's friend. The only bad thing about this is Little Donny got out of town before Karma could get him. His day will come.
  3. Until the board recognizes that the athletic director is running off good coaches and the superintendent is running off good teachers Buna will continue to go downhill. What they did to Bradley Morgan was embarrassing.
  4. Not the change Kountze wanted, the change the board wanted. Restore the Roar kinda sounds like a meow.
  5. Kountze closed til 9/5
  6. Should the english teacher get a bonus for all their kids passing the staar test. No its expected of them. Shouldn't we expect the coach to get his kids to the playoffs, that's what he's paid for in the first place.
  7. Didn't he used to be a utfan and a kountze backer? Maybe he's more of a bandwagon kinda guy.
  8. Congrats Buna. Tell Mrs.exmarine I'll get her free throw money to her.
  9. That's it. Turn in across the street from Whataburger.
  10. Irrelevant to this topic. They no longer have all their starters and the starters they are missing are they same two they were missing against Buna when Buna won. So you don't think in the next two weeks they won't see a team better than Buna?
  11. What hurt against Buna was Kountze coming in with an attitude of superiority and when they went down early they couldn't handle it. Good luck to them the rest of the way.
  12. Redshirts can still practice with the team.
  13. Who else didn't play against Buna? lol
  14. Lamar wins 12-11
  15. I think you said Kountze would be fine in football, too. How'd that work out for you?
  16. Much like Kountze.
  17. In baaeball its the umps fault and in football its the coaches fault.
  18. I can handle the pressure better than certain lefthanded pitchers.
  19. I hope he's not lefthanded. According to sport1971 or kountzemania  or whatever his name is today, lefthanders have fast twitch muscle fibers that can make them throw in the dirt in front of home plate or 10 foot up the backdrop.
  20. Yeah 2013. My phone thought it was smarter than me.
  21. Everything doesn'stay the same. If the supts. approve it what is currently 3a will do a big school, small school split before the football season like 1a and 2a currently do. According to uil website this will take effect 8/1/2012 pending supt. approval.
  22. Just stating facts. Anyone that was at the game saw it.
  23. Coaching costs Buna again.  How do these guys keep their jobs
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