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PAMFAM10 last won the day on April 11 2024

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About PAMFAM10

  • Birthday 05/03/1992

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  1. USA and its allies, America most of Europe and Japan is enough combined strength to keep Russia and China at bay. They can only succeed if we’re not aligned. So make it fair make other nations spend more but to concede to communism control has to be a no go. Ukraine can only fall if NATO is weakened. If NATO is weakened Russia and China will flex and see what they can get. What’s the possible outcome of Ukraine falling to Russia. A. Nothing and we’re living in peace B. China sees the blue print and go after Taiwan and every thing else in China sea. C. One European nation declares war sending US to WW3 Which one is most not likely to happen.
  2. Your knowledge of WW2 is OFF . In no way over the last 3 years has the spread of communism been more concerning. We can go back and forth on a lot but my question is. Letting Russia have Ukraine benefits the world how?
  3. And the biggest book would be the Uk that stood up for freedom while again the US pretended as if the expansion wouldn’t come knocking. The US allows Russia to take Ukraine. China take Taiwan. That’s communism expansion at its greatest and once they dominate the east they will dominate the globe. The US is stronger with a stronger NATO then a stronger Russia/China and any reasonable person understands why. That’s all Ukraine/Putin comes down too. History repeats its self. It’s east Poland all over again, What did we learn? Again how does helping communism spread helps the USA or the world and any fashion?
  4. Nobody and I been at this for over a month can explain to me how turning our back on NATO and siding with Russia. Helps us in any form. You can dislike zelenskyy but the fall of Ukraine means the expansion of the steel curtain of communism. And again more importantly is China is watching. And a matter of as little as a few months communism could dominate the eastern hemisphere. How does that make for a safer planet. We’d be back begging our European allies for help. From a smaller microphone. I think this is a dangerous mistake and I believe many have to believe this also.
  5. My main point is yes The US spend allot on NATO but in terms of both great wars the USA fall extremely short. Giving Ukraine to Russia will help us in no way. We can down play our European allies as much as we want but history shows when blank hits the fan they have been the first to stand up for freedom. Years ahead of the US both times. I just want one person to explain to me that the fall of Ukraine to communist Russia . Help in any form, In terms of world peace. Explain how Putin taking Ukraine benefits America, or the world in any fashion.
  6. US might want to protect Taiwan at all cost but good luck explaining that to china after Ukraine. It’s basically the same claim. And both Russia and China have wild strong beliefs on what should be theirs and after they basically have that hemisphere in their control. Communism will dominate. Yes America can become great again at that expense similar to how we did in the beginning of WW2. But then WW2 happened. We seemed weak and an island nation tried it. Trump inherited this problem but it’s his problem as POTUS to get right. I don’t see how Downing NATO in favor of communism makes America, the world more safe.
  7. The only option is not a popular option only answer is a strong NATO . If a strong NATO (the European side especially stood toe it wouldn’t happen). The moment NATO allows Ukraine to fall. China will start its expansion in the China sea. We’ll have an embolden china and Russia. Communism will dominate the eastern hemisphere.
  8. Yes with many more deaths and allowing Russia to do what hasn’t been done since the third reich. That’s not winning. And I don’t hate trump. just genuinely think that’s a bad idea but for all we know Trump hopefully took that off table.
  9. Only information obtained from this is. Putin when you do a full scale invasion and take Ukraine the US will not stop you. This is not a deal. This is chamberlain waving the false paper of peace.
  10. I’ve seen it in my hiring process. As an interviewer and as an applicant Don’t care for what party this or that. Let’s just get rid of asking ppl if their white black or Hispanic. Credentials should be enough. And again Legacy applications should be removed also best man/woman available across the board.
  11. 100 percent agree if race doesn’t matter why have it on applications . Hippy 2028
  12. It’s not about most qualified or not. Systems was put into place because the history of this country. one will have to believe that the history is well beyond us. Legacy hires and college acceptance rates to legacies are Just as bad. Would you rather have a rich kid performing surgery on your love one or the most qualified. In 2025 would you rather check off with White black Hispanic or Asian on your job application, college admissions? I’m all for best man for the job? But is this country?
  13. what I’m getting at is where there’s smoke there fire. P diddy been on the hot seat for about 10 years before any indictment. Same as all the others. If republicans hatch there faith in gatez and what’s smoking is proven to be true. Then what?
  14. To reason with you. Reagan I do feel like this is a political move. But if proven and to be honest just like diddy and the rest gaetz has had have a lot of smoke before the actual fire. my stance is I if guilty he should burn. If not his accusers should burn.
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