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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. I Apologize for saying BOY I agree with you on the whole welfare issues ...but were I stray was you're" weave navigator on 22 pimps and sugar mamas" im 21 work paying my way threw college own apartment with no government help ...that y I tend to vote democratic ...my mom needed foodstamps a few years ago to help us along and I will never vote for someone who calls her lazy .. my mom worked 2 to 3 jobs while getting her degree to keep us satisfied ...never had we had steak lobsters and snow crabs in our household
  2. Look I take no pride I define myself as a U.S. citizen who votes on moral beliefs rather that for a guy with a (R) or(D) in front their name.. Obama got elected president then re elected fairly by the people... if you agree or not lets not act like these 6 years have been the worst you've seen nothing really change .. no matter how much you dis like Obama nothing you post, all the names you may call him he's our president ...and I do believe he's had a average presidency
  3. They Can Say We believe in equality we are the party that rather make a path to citizenship rather than tell you to self deport the party that believes you have the right to marry who ever you love the party who not for tax cuts for the 1%ers the party who believes a woman should have the right to control her body thats what they have to offer and the last two elections whould suggests they're moving forward
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