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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Like you all worship murders like Lee statues everywhere.
  2. No .....I’ll accept a whisper.
  3. Biden 2020
  4. Did I say anything untrue? That’s all you can muster up? Explain how I’m wrong.
  6. Trumplism: nothing at all is trump fault. He can hold senate and congress. And still it’s someone else’s fault. Its REPUBLICANS fault now? You sounding like a liberal buddy... The REPUBLICANS Party is selling out to TRUMPLISM : Argue all you want it’s happening...
  7. The virus will clear up on its own in a few. And for two years trump held both congress and senate and didnt come through on his top promises.
  8. I think we as a country should all be demanding a full investigation into all Epstein associates. Regardless where it leads. Child predators are the worst.
  9. I gave you a list you ignored..
  10. Not PAMFAM
  11. Yes history will remember trump right for the travel ban. In give him full credit. Smart decision. History will also remember the weeks and months after also. Dr. Fucci words can’t be trusted anyways. says, Trump
  12. Why quote me and not address my post? Ive never said anything about being proud of Biden. Its Whomever>Trump Biden2020
  13. I’m not going to tell you the democrats don’t divide this country... but it practiced by both sides
  14. PAMFAM10

    BLM Update

    Black Lives Matter is a saying, Blm the organization is something few ppl care about. I’m black and can’t tell you how you even go about signing up. I’m black and know nobody who’s a blm member. Black life matter white life matter brown life matter All life Matter It’s not hard for me to say it. The NFL NBA MLB is not going anywhere the majority will still watch. I know of no major advertisement leaving no tv deals lost. Americans sports or choosing to be on the right side of history. And after a year or two you guys will be back watching too.
  15. Trump : there good folks on both sides. Illegal immigrants are murders and rapists. Sports athletes are SOB . Release the hounds on them. Etc etc. but trump doesn’t divide this country. and was John McCain the bush family and many other’s who speak out against trump not America first people? Ted Cruz?Ted Cruz wife? .. a disabled reporter? It’s all extremely laughable Biden2020
  16. Just go to his Twitter feed. I will end Obamacare day 1 I will build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. This virus will clear up on its own in no time. Obama is not a us citizen.. he’s been ban from Twitter and have gotten post removed for false information... it goes on and on and on.
  17. I haven’t seen a change in my pay no change to my healthcare no change to my 401k. Yet. This is truly all that matters to the average Joe.
  18. I seen no change
  19. I strongly dislike trump the politician. The only time I discuss trump is on this board. If Trump wins 2020 I won’t be losing sleep.
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