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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. I know you guys Or fired up this morning with the midterms. But I never said I agree with his comedy. I have no ties to any political party. But Pete is a comedian who told a bad joke. Donald Trump makes fun of a disabled guy and it’s the liberals that concern you guys.
  2. This comedian does this kind of comedy many find harsh. But to be fair his father was a first responder on 9/11 that parish. And he jokes about that also. It’s meant to be funny SNOWFLAKES.
  3. I’m saying it been done before. Legal illegal just talking points. Ppl would still be upset if they were coming legally.
  4. That’s not what’s happening nobody is coming for you house man. White people just think they own things they have no right to own.
  5. Invasion of America LOL happened before Ay.
  6. Still bat sh:t crazy Wrong stamps erased Tweets LMAO . You guys should be CIA
  7. Black face ... look if you wanna you black face to dress up as mlk Malcom x Ali etc etc I wouldn’t think it was smart but I wouldn’t gripe to much. Robert Downey Jr played a black guy in Tropical Thunder. No up roar. what changed between then .. suburbian White college kids having a all white hallowing party with black face 40s fake guns etc etc. Yes they ruin it for everyone.
  8. Maybe watch the full video to get more context. But even from the video you posted you can tell by the audience reaction it was a joke Within a joke. [Hidden Content] FAKE NEWS
  9. The whole BK situation is what we as US citizens have created and voted for moderate politicians who work together as DC should is getting ran out of office. Your either far left or far right and you better fight to block any and everything from the opposition. Liberals and conservatives alike are silly individuals who wants to control everyone and everything. Votes is what matters damn the country they say.
  10. Like people of African decent mostly live in same neighborhood so more likely to get killed shot hugged and kissed by another person of Africans decent but black on black crime just got a certain ring to it. Explain this. [Hidden Content]
  11. People just love to hate. He should be focused on this or that, I don’t like the way he’s protesting. Stop following your idiotic president with trying to change the narrative of another man protest. Not to disrespect the flag the troops but to call awareness to social injustice. Talk about being a snowflake. Y’all really out here burning Nike’s.
  12. Farrakhan is extremely out of touch with today’s reality. Racist and poisonous to black America.
  13. Tiger woods do not consider himself black. He chooses to identify as something else. Nothing to do with liberals.
  14. Blacks mans hero ..shows just how ignorant you ca be... You just outdated
  15. Google it if you don’t believe me. Fdr 71%
  16. I guess the numbers magically drop. But if obama was still in office the numbers would be lies funny how the narrative changed.
  17. The thing is I don’t care what you think. You can think I’m a four eyed unicorn. I don’t have to prove to you anything I know to be true about me.
  18. Free thinker. Obama dealt with 16% unemployment with blacks left office with it around 8 trump has it now around 6 which I won’t ever complain about. but I consider that riding a wave. [Hidden Content]
  19. I’m well informed on the voters right act so I missed your point.
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