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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Anyway anyone can pm me or quote meI'm thinking about getting a hand gun. I never touch one and was looking for one without a sensitive trigger..., any help? for self protection..,,
  2. Stevenash what is my stance on the 2nd?
  3. Funny I haven't seen a conservative condemn either just blaming Hillary and the dems.
  4. Do you get off on left opinions? 19 views mean even many from the right refuse to reply. I do not need newt to break down something I seen with my own eyes.
  5. I didn't get that. Her age her coming up in the south. Not giving her a pass but. I still use my paula deen pots.
  6. I don't know... to be honest I use the word around 100 times a day. I'm from a different generation growing up on the west side of p.a I personally know and seen many whites refer to themselves and blacks in such way. It's million of videos you can find with all white people reference themselves that. However blacks have been fired for using the word on air and other whites I don't see how he should get a pass.
  7. I understand. Your view and it's reasonable thinking still I perfer popular vote.
  8. The reader for one, knows how the electoral college works. The reader stated trump won the election. The reader only wishes for the person with the most votes win. The reader question the analogy because hits do not determine the victory. But at the end of the game the team who outscored wins the other wins. Not because they scored here or there but because they scored the most overall. It don't feel right to say we are a nation of the people but the people overall said Hillary. And we get Trump. I didn't care for this election but like I say I perfer the popular vote.
  9. Dude you need to find a hobby what's sad is your a grown man who refuse to accept any thinking that do not line up with your beliefs. You continue to point out how stupid and whatever liberals or any non conservative is yet. You get on here everyday to go back and forth with the same people you believe to be etc etc. You have a problem guy. Count how many insults you threw my way but claim only the left. You always claim from previous post you no my agenda. Ok point them out. Its sad . I answered your question. its sad. You don't know me you just think you do. its sad.
  10. I don't understand how you can not see the flaw in your analogy. popular vote My ass if more voters voted for me I should win. I just think we over complicate things in this country.
  11. Like I've said many times englbert. You have a serious problem. In baseball the team with the most hits. Do not and to my little knowledge of baseball have never been the way to declare a winner. The team with the most points at the end wins. If everyone vote matter explain how the person with the most votes loss.
  12. The stupid baseball analogy makes no sense at all. I understand the electoral college that trump won I didn't really care who won. But I do believe the electoral college is stupid. Your vote should matter. People should decide elections.
  13. I remember hearing "Bush is no longer the president."
  14. That's can work in small communities but not big ones like Houston Dallas etc etc. Welfare is like a addiction you can't expect someone to go cold turkey overnight. You have to wing them off with alternatives. That's the only true solution. Just randomly cutting won't help anything.
  15. I don't see why you try so hard to paint me as a democrat. I have no affiliation.
  16. I'm very up with the Bible scripture debate is nothing new. All one can do is ask good for direction. From my understanding execution is not god will.
  17. I don't but I will not push my beliefs on others.
  18. Who decided murder is justice. Do you trurly believe that's God will.
  19. Really man you trying to change the commandments.
  20. Its hypocritical to claim abortion is wrong under Christian values but support murder. the Bible is pretty clear on Thou Shall not kill. Vengeance is mine.
  21. How can one be so holy and be pro life but support the death penalty..., Im as prolife as it gets im against both.
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