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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. No Hillary can't get exposed everyone knows Hillarys scandals but I willing to bet the house that she can articulate her foreign policies and economic plans way better than trump who will just say Trust Me for a whole hour. I'm just saying she will clearly seem to be far more knowledgeable than trump. Which she is.
  2. Yes ... Trump will have to debate Hillary at least three times and she'll make him look clueless and expose him. You can already key in blacks and Hispanics for Hillary and I'm sure she'll take women also. When trump is Teflon with his base but he will learn so is Hillary.
  3. Ok so bd brings up why no blacks have replied I reply do whites have to reply every time a white do something.... I get called out for bringing race. Bd gets defended.... Setx for ya.. Bd I have no problem with that post.
  4. Dude what is your problem. Do you all get so bored you refuse to even try to comprehend the thread as a whole again another stupid post. I brung up white because another poster asked why have no blacks replied... Again wasn't I who brought race into it. And for the last time Idc anything about blm. So in case you missed it F the blm(group). Stop wishing me to be something I'm not... look we all will disagree on a lot no need to create false narratives.
  5. I've already said how I feel about this group when they first came about.
  6. The changes was clearly mentioned in the opening thread. Nobody was interested in discussing that. What they all wanted was someone to try to defend it. Then I reminded them that they are the only ones who follow this group.
  7. This is just dumb no other way to put it. Do you apologize every time a white man do something stupid.
  8. Ok I'm talking bout on setxsports.com which posters is more likely to bring this group up. Obviously it's not just the media who love this group.
  9. Maybe because the only ones who follow or even care about black lives matters (group) is you guys.
  10. I agree Vietnam was a pointless war started by dems do you see me but trying to defend it by saying republicans was for it too. No I'm not politically brainwashed
  11. Nash it do not matter how Hillary voted the buck stops where? She had to own it doing the primaries and I'm sure against trump too. REB Things weren't to bad how man were killed in that pointless goalless war. And again mushroom clouds ain't gas. 77 lol so only difference is Hillary has a job in office and trump hasn't. A liar is a liar.
  12. He lied they lied he was commander in chief... Mushroom clouds is not the same as gas which he was clearly saying. Gas has been used since before WW1. The most expensive war the longest war over what. What did we accomplished? What was even the game plan? "To prevent a isis" who killed more Americans Isis or the war in the Middle East? Mission accomplished says W ... Now that's a lie far greater than if you like your doctor. But wait W was a republican right.
  13. Three year starter to be he at least deserve the chance. My only issue is he has to be allowed to play don't run read option if he's never allowed to keep the ball. Go Titans.
  14. Haha every now and again I throw you a bone.
  15. Using that knowledge we should only care about history we were apart of. I wasn't in a infrantry with General Washington so the American Revolution doesn't matter right? I'm just tryna understand your logic.
  16. History is history but let's not act like its the liberal left only refusing to acknowledged certain history. That was the point.
  17. This article is stupid... What about erasing the mass murdering rapes enslavement and brutality to Native Americans/ African Americans. That's real history you won't find in your kids/grandkids/great grandkids school books. That's way more important history than anything this author is talking bout.
  18. This is getting weird to weird to even try to breakdown. Just a bad all around idea.
  19. No real backlash. For reasons to much to get into. I say this she usually says what she believes. On the bigger issue its way to depressing in politics with our current situation Trump/Clinton to even care.
  20. Maybe some of you aren't to "HIP" on pop culture but maybe you all should google Ms banks.
  21. This is exactly how nothing gets done.
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