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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Its funny how the slave states threatened secession if Lincoln was elected(haven't we heard this recently)

    And the same folks that complain about Obama taking away their freedoms would rather fight other americans to not allow the freedom of americans, 600,000 deaths because the south wanted to continue with their free labor and continue with their evil treatment of people(good ole christian conservatives). The infrastructure of the good old south took a serious beat down and the southern soldiers took an arse whoopin

    Oh no it had little to nothing to do about slaves. All about the unfairness of the government. They just happened to wait till Lincoln got elected with his whole no more slave talk. Anyway we should honor those good ole boys who fought against this nation. And anyone who disagree is just sensitive. In 2015 Robert (retreat and surrender)Lee is still viewed as a hero.

  2. ​Gonna give it the old college try...Lets just throw it out in the open...this whole flag thing is about slavery and injustice done to African Americans by their own in Africa, White Euro's and White Americans (TRIANGLE TRADE ROUTE). When I look at the Confederate flag I see age old tradition and a reminder of a time when things were confusing and full of mixed emotions. I see a time when people died for their beliefs and heritage. I see a time people died for moral change change. I see a time that people waged war upon their brother over the all mighty dollar. Evil traitors to a nation? Undying echos of slavery among people who trust it upon the backs of those who have no real ties to that day in time...from a peoples who can't even hardly make blood ties to the past.  Their have been many wrongs done to a many of people and cultures world wide throughout history...too many to list. The confederate flag is more than just a hate rag...it's part of a profound history. It stands for tradition, change, grief, life, religion and yes even freedom, because without the struggles of war many of this countries most influential leaders who fought for civil rights may have never been.  It is our history as a people as a nation. It cant just be about one thing and the past has to start truly being the past if our future is to be what we want it to be.  You Sir are an American and the south, the flag, the everything is a part of your history just like it's a part of mine and we must embrace it and find the good, find the lessons, find the wrongs and let them stand uncovered as the truth to teach us all...God Bless my friend.        

    But I'm not saying that. I'm saying it shouldn't be hung at capital building. Texas do not fly Mexican flag it's part of our history no sign of native flags British flags. So do we pick in choose what flag is acceptable to fly if it's ok to fly that battle flag why not the rest.

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