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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. The south people forget that the south we're traitors to this nation and choose to spill blood and succeed from this nation why is we honoring them in any way. They don't deserve nothing nothing at all. They we're not heros. Says a lot about the south that in 2015 they're still those who think the should be honored they ain't fight for this nation they tried to kill it.

  2. ​So why is anyone perennially poor...is it really the fault of a political party?

    And if it is, who would it be...the party that wants to increase big business and create more jobs with lower taxes...

    or the party that wants to continue to spoon feed entitlements paid for with higher taxes while creating roadblocks for business growth.



    Has it never gone up with a Republican president. 

  3. Believe it or not, there is still a group of people who understand things cant be free for too many for too long and so they keep attempting to operate in that manner.  Greece is a great example of the results of too much free stuff for too long a time.  They are now in no position to help those who are truly needy.  Don't you think it would be a shame if we waited that long to discover the "real cost" of too much free stuff?

    Thats the point but simply cutting it off is not the answer. Someone need to come up with a real solution to get More people working and not being dependent on the government. But like always no true solutions.

  4. because what other option they had he still ran on favorable outcomes for blacks but like I said Obama or not the dems will win minorities.  You cant tell people you choose to deport them and expect there vote cant tell half the country there takers and expect there vote. The numbers will never be there. 

  5. I been answered your question like any other groups blacks voted for who they felt gave them a better future.  On criticism blacks often identify with the left so they will not publicly bash there candidate. Nothing with race (did you support bush because hes white) Hillary will get the same treatment. 

  6. ​Heck, Hitler was elected.  And your point is?  I knew he was an empty suit.  The focus I'm talking is the vetting that should have went on the first time around.  Didn't happen.  Why was he reelected?  Two things:  Low Information Voters.  And a bad Republican candidate.  If we would have had a Reagan-ish type candidate, then it would have been 1980 all over again.  But, again, we get what we deserve! 

    So Dem win it's because of low information voters Republicans win it's because they had a Reagan - ish type candidate. That's your logic. What about W election and reelection. You believe low information voters only vote one way. Stop using excuses for you party failures. Your starting to sound like a low information voter (kool-aid drinker) It's not your party it's everybody else's fault. 

  7. ​No one focused on obama.  And you see what we got:  An inept community organizer that can't even buy a clue.  So, no, PAM, it's not wrong to focus on the individual.  And it doesn't matter who it is. 

    How can nobody focus on the president of the u.s. that's up for reelection. Smh they tried it didn't work. Admit it.


    She is a proven liar and cannot be trusted any longer in any official capacity anyone that would vote for her to run this country  would truly be foolish . 

    Foolish for a gay wanting equal rights foolish for a immigrant wanting a better life. Foolish for etc etc. If the right believes screaming she's a liar she's this or that is a winning formula  they will lose . Prove to voters your views are better than hers for America and for them on a individual level. That's how you get votes making the voters feel like if you win they'll win. Obama gets reelected and the right still refuse to get the message. Focus on voters not hillary you'll have plenty time to do that head to head in the debates.

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