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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. In 2010, there was 3,332 white victims of murder......whites were responsible for 2,777 and blacks were responsible for 447.

    Same year, there were 2,270 blacks murdered.....whites were responsible for 218 and blacks responsible for 2,459......

    Now, let's look at populations in 2010......White population was 223.6 million versus a black population of 38.9 million........There are over 5 times more whites than blacks, yet the number of blacks killed by blacks is almost as high as whites killed by whites......

    Gig Girl, that is just the facts


    Ok so blacks kill blacks at a high rate. So do whites we can argue about percentage and raw numbers but truth is blacks is more likely to kill a black and same with whites. We argue about this like we will feel better if whites where killing blacks and blacks killing whites. 9 people are dead it doesn't matter whats the color of they skin look like.
  2. Kinda like there was only 1 shooter from the 6th floor of the school book depository.....

    my favorite one. Sadly no reliable source have proven other wise. just a very good or lucky shot.
  3. You are correct. Thug by Merriam Dictionary defines a thug as "A violent criminal".

    His criminal record....

    2005 - shoved a plain clothed undercover officer - charges dropped
    - had restraining order put on him by ex.....he put one on her as well

    2013 - girlfriend said he pulled shotgun on her....later she asked for charges to be dropped

    Now, If you want to call him Stupid, an idiot, or any other words in that ballpark, I agree with you 100%

    100% correct but I'm not talking about Merriam definition of thug.
  4. I'm asking have anyone ever read the Quran. (Hell no I haven't read it I'm Christian.) That's why you won't see me quoting or acting like I have any real knowledge what there teachings are. I can pull up alot a passages in the bible that can also seem twisted taking out of context.
  5. This riot has nothing to do with anything. People just being dumb. When A whole group of people do dumb things they make they whole race look bad. Instead of talking about the injustice for the Grey family it's all about them. That's taking several steps backs. How can anyone justify anything that's going on in that city. Honestly it makes people say well if this is how they act no wonder police use so much force. So many good citizens will get a bad rep over theses cowards. We're angry about the unemployment so let's burn the jobs down.
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