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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Thank God for many witnesses in Ferguson that came in and told the truth even though it did not toe the party line. Thank God that the physical evidence (although admitted grudgingly slow from the federal investigation) showed that the claims were false (including the crime of perjury) that wanted an officer to be guilty.

    More reasons for video huh. See it goes both ways. video cameras can't tell the complete story but it can't lie. No hands up don't shot violent protests etc.just like in this case.
  2. Not sure. They could've shot and killed him and been justified in doing so. Seems like he might've gotten off lightly. It's hard to tell from the dashcam, but if he was closing in and the suspect brought the gun up, then why not. But it definitely looked like the officer had the intent to hit him when he drove in. That being said, the officer was cleared of any wrongdoing by the DA

    He should be glad. he wasn't shot.
  3. So, you don't think it's harder to get weed than alcohol?

    Cigarettes are legal and many parents and adults forget them at a bar, on a park bench, in someones car or leave them in plain view at their house. When/if weed becomes legal, the same thing will happen....human nature.....so it will be easier fro a kid to get.

    Legal or not, people are going to murder.....I'm against making that legal to.

    I'm not saying it should be legal only because they'll still do it. It should be legal because in my opinion I don't believe it's any worst than cigarettes alcohol etc. Why do we single out weed. What's really more dangerous. And yes I believe it's easier to get weed than alcohol. Drug dealers don't ask for age or id. Just money if your not afraid to meet a drug dealer you can buy as much as you want anytime you like. And some cases just get it at school from a classmate.
  4. Kids are going to be kids legal or not there going to do it. It's easy to buy beer if your underage. It's easy to get weed. Keeping it illegal is not going to change that making it legal won't either.I say just go ahead and make it legal tax it like alcohol and tobacco.
  5. Even the right uses propaganda......

    The idea of providing low-income individuals with subsidized phone service was originated in the Reagan administration following the break-up of AT&T in 1984. (It was expanded and formalized by the Telecommunications Act of 1996.) The program is paid for by telecommunications companies through an independent non-profit, not through tax revenue.


    No your lying it's all obama.
  6. I agree.......I think he murdered the guy.

    There is an article that was posted on Fb, (and I just scanned through it, have not read it fully) that gives another perspective. They claim that it is very possible the guy actually tased the officer and that you can see the wire stuck in the officer and that the officer might have thought he still had the trigger when he shot.

    Not sure if that is a legit news source, but going to follow up with it tonight.

    The way nobody's coming to his defense not even his lawyer who dropped him. Not the police chief nobody. Shows it's really really bad.
  7. No. Unless you are a serial killer or mass murderer, most people kill for a specific reason....you pissed them off, you stole something, you took their girl....etc. These are the reasons, albeit some of them dumb reasons, that people have been killed. Anyone who would kill a cop will kill anyone for no reason at all. That is my take.

    This cop has been charged with murder and rightfully so. Should he get the death penalty? Only if it falls under the parameters of capital murder. He will probably spend the rest of his life in prison. If he is executed, I have no problem with that.

    Just throwing this out. ... I never said he should get the death penalty. Only asking should or will they push for it.
  8. Look this country tried this already letting people choose who they serve or not let's not move backwards. Serve the gay couple ask to say a prayer with them and move on. I doubt you go to hell for serving a gay couple a cake....Some people use the bible to ok there own views. Like "its ok for me to enslaved people. Etc etc.
  9. While the emails are inappropriate, I don't see how 3 people trading a small number of racist emails over a long period of time is indicative of any type of pattern of racism. It's honestly not even proof that these 3 performed their job in a discriminatory nature.

    You have to know that that don't make sense.
  10. Look It's enough blame to go around. People always say there just kids. 15-18year olds are the most dangerous In my own personal opinion. Don't think about consequences and believe they're going to live forever. Most things that go on at schools only happens because the grown ups see them as only kids. These kids are running circles around the school system. Sex drug & hip hop. but every parent will say not my child.
  11. I agree with you just about 100% in judging each person as an individual and not part of a group. I never say anything about the low information voters nonsense
    or post from political websites. I usually stay out of the conversations for the most part but at times feel the opportunity to post in reference to the "you people" comments such as Tee made above.

    It is kind of odd however to see you to complain about people talking about party affiliation or other grouping when you are at the moment posting in a forum called Political Forum. That is akin to complaining about people in the baseball forum asking about which pitchers are going to be the best this year.

    Kind of like, "You people over in the "political" forum.... quit talking about politics!". :D

    No that wasn't for you I said you people because I didn't wanna name names. And yes this is political thread. I'm a political junkie I rather converse with Republicans dems and independents about issues rather than. What you libs have to say about this or that. I have no alliances I just come here to get different view points. I was once against guns in school but I think you n hippy change my mind about that one a while back when this thread was actually great. I'm 22 I'm sure my views on issues will change as I go threw my own in life.
  12. Blacks love being the victim. Was number 1 but the whole article was tryna paint the white race as being a victim. I'm black I don't play race card or try to be a victim. If I see something out of line I speak on it if I'm found to be wrong I apologize. I won't let nobody tell me I'm playing the victim card for speaking out on racial issues. Racism is alive that's not me playing the victim that's me being honest.
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