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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. I'was class of 10' at memorial my whole family graduated from Lincoln. Them bumble bees loved the beehive. Which I understand but the beehive ain't never coming back. It's hard to generate pride in something that's doesn't really have a real identity. Memorial is the current and the future. Our titans and lady titans. Play for and get there education at Memorial high that's just the way it is. We need all former Lincoln Jefferson and sfa grads to support Memorial High School. At the end of the day it's still P.A.
  2. MVP is not an abbreviation for "best player." With JJ Watt, the texans missed the playoffs. Without him, the same result, with a couple of less wins. Without Murray, i believe the cowboys can put in dunbar and still win 10-11 games and probably make the playoffs. With Rodgers, the packers made the NFC championship game. Without him, they lose several more games and miss the playoffs. Hence, Rodgers was more valuable, and consequently, so is the qb position. As great as JJ is, and I would argue he's as dominant at his position as any player has EVER been at any position, the position he plays doesn't allow him to impact the game the way skills position offensive players do. It's just the nature of the game.

    I agree that's why I prefer player of the year. Let's the best player in the NFL win regardless.
  3. Why do the mvp have to meet all theses made up requirements. Playoffs are not JJ watt was the best player in the NFL. By along shot. They should just change it to the best qb that makes the playoff award. How can you not be the offense player of the year and still be considered the MVP never got that. The NFL just sent a message as a defensive player you have no chance in hell of grabbing the MVP. Value destroys everything a defensive player can never be as valuable as a qb wr rb etc. Change MVP to Player of the year Award.
  4. I'm conflicted about whether or not to take that as a compliment.

    I was looking for some kind of rebuttal to the argument presented in that article. Thus far, I have yet to hear one. For all these claims of "we need a true conservative" and "we haven't had a true conservative since Reagan" and "a true conservative would win these elections easily," I have yet to see the proof, and a lot of evidence supporting the contrary.

    In the first place, we have had true conservatives since Reagan. Calling anyone in the Bush family anything less than a true conservative is a farce and an insult; the only arguably moderate things ever done in either Bush presidential administration were a tax hike done as part of a budget deal (that's called negotiation, and it used to be a necessary part of life in Washington) and TARP (which was, in my opinion, the government cleaning up a mess it spent three decades making, calling into question it's "non-conservative" nature). If you want to tally conservative actions versus non-conservative actions by either Bush while in office, the fact is the first column would vastly outweigh the second. In state politics, both Jeb and W. were conservative governors who represented their constituencies well while still managing to get bipartisan deals done.

    Further, we've had plenty of "true conservatives" in the Republican presidential primaries. For the sake of argument, I'll remove Mitt and McCain from consideration. That leaves the likes of Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, and Michelle Bachmann, all of whom had considerable tea party support at various points during their campaigns. Now let me ask you, if they couldn't even win the Republican primaries in a primary system that strongly favors rural states during election cycles where the tea party was a much stronger force then it is now, what makes you think they could win a general election?

    The bottom line is, just like I said in that article, this "true conservative" rationale is self-defeating and dangerous to both the Republican Party and the long-term interests of this country. It is irrational, and frankly mathematically stupid, to immediately dismiss someone you agree with on 70% of the issues or more because of that 30% or less you disagree about, and effectively hand an election to a candidate you agree with 10% of the time or less. That is not an effective way to run a party, to win an election or to get anything done in Washington. And that sort of uncompromising, unforgiving mentality is why this party is in the tough spot it's in when it comes to the country's only nationwide election, not some lack of "true conservatives."

    Bamakid for president.
  5. Well, all of those "reasons" seem to validate her qualifications and highlight her policy stances. I'm not saying you are wrong, you could be spot on. But this superficial and inexplicable blind following illustrates ONE of the many problems in our political system.

    Why is that? People vote for them not there country. People vote for the guy/lady who believe like them. Who will pass laws that favor them.
  6. Hillary will Carry the gay vote the black vote the youth vote the woman vote the Hispanic vote just about all the votes there is other than the white male vote. Hillary is way more popular than anything the Republicans can throw out. She's a woman. She's married to bill.
  7. Yes, they are obviously two different things and they involve two different branches of government.

    That does not however take into account that his coattails brought in a Democratic super majority into power in 2008 or in other words a majority in both houses that the Republicans could not stop. The response of Obama and the Dems was to blow two years on a very unpopular health car program and leave all other promises aside. The backlash in two subsequent elections led that super majority to be turned into an all time Republican lead in the House.

    Obama lost 4 million votes in 2012 from his 2008 win. He is the first president to win reelection by losing votes since the fourth term of FDR in 1944.

    If Obama's claim to fame is "I won" and his legacy is taking complete control over Congress and losing both houses, so be it.

    As far as Hillary, the Dems better hope that she runs because their only chance of winning is her and that is just a chance at best.

    If you want to look back at history, in late December 2007 Hillary was ahead in the national polls with 42%, Obama with little more than half at 23% and John Edwards with 16%. It is easy to be ahead in the poll right now when you have no opponent.

    My whole point is everybody will come out for presidential election everyone. Obama caught up to hillary because he was obama the right have no fresh face like he was. Hillary also came the closest to beating obama. Hillary will be tough to beat for multiple reasons.
  8. Presidential election And midterms are two different things. Nobody is even close to catching hillary as to now. Everybody comes out to vote not just those who oppose the president. who will not be on the ticket 2016. You guys are smart enough to know the recent election has squat to do with 2016.
  9. Because I don't have access to Obama's 8-year total yet. His general totals based on the graph Smitty provided with the original link are actually lower than they were a year and two years ago, so it's not like the number is constantly rising. In my original post I believe I allowed for the number to rise a little, but say I was wrong, and the amount of people who receive benefits under Obama double what happened under bush. 30 million new, vs. 15 million new under bush. I still maintain that they both failed, even if Obama failed much worse.

    What a way to shut up/down a thread.
  10. If your only 22 than you are younger than my kids and I know you have had the same opportunities in school and any other walks in life my kids have and your father had the same opportunities that I did so dont cry that victim BS to me!

    You either can't comprehend or just like screaming out nonsense. When did I ever complain. You're the one complaining. I'm smart enough to realize for whatever reason in life people will need a helping hand. And if taxing me a couple cents which I have no use for anyway can help someone get a college degree I'm all in for it. I won't beat my chest like a dammmm guerrilla and say no I did it without help so can you. I just don't think like that I wasnt raised like that. Again I pay taxes just like you.
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