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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. You're missing my point I'm only 22 in not finish with school yet I have a job and I pay taxes. It never cross my mind about the abusers on welfare because in reality how much do they take outfrom my check. Some make it seem like they're paying millions of dollars. I no it adds up. I don't have a problem saying we can use some of that money for other things. Just making a point It's a little pinch that can make a big difference to someone less fortunate. I can't and refuse to debate on the leaches. I'll just say something should be done about it.
  2. i believe he's saying that certain people have problems and the police deal with them a lot, and Zimmerman has turned out to be one of those people, but Zimmerman gets attention while millions of others don't because of the Martin shootnig. i didn't get out of it what you got out of it at all.

    that's why I asked. Before I said anything.
  3. Zimmerman is like any of quite a few people that we deal with on a frequent basis. They are frequent flyers.

    There are homes that we go to 20 times a year for a difunctional person or family. Sometimes we make an arrest and sometimes we don't. I woukd best that most people in this forum have lived a lifetime with the police never having been called to their home or if they did it was to report a crime like a theft. There are houses however where we could put up a police substation.

    Zimmerman reminds me of such a person. He is hardly unique but his self defense incident makes him a media darling.

    Forgive me for I may have broken this post down wrong ...you're saying Zimmerman past trial disturbances. Are just minor issues blown up by the media.
  4. France thought they had fun loving Muslims. What a great cover. I have no use for any of them.

    Then you have a big problem. France do have loving Muslims 4 extremist won't change that. Muslim extremists care about their religion. Just use it as a cover up. None of these top extremist leaders are strapping their bodies with bombs in the name of their God. Just the sheep.
  5. I could easily hate alot of cops from my experiences I can easily hate alot of white people from my experiences I could easily hate blacks from my experiences etc.so on. Any large group of people will have dummies or whatever you wanna call them. Never let a few destroy the your perception of a group. If I say I believe this cop was in the wrong or that guy in the wrong I only say it because I truly believe it. Growing up on the Westside of Port Arthur. I've had many encounters with police. Not all were bad and not all bad were white. I think incidents like these would be less if kids were being raised and following the rules. I also think incidents like these would be less if cops are trained right and followed the rules.
  6. Then you sir should do some research, and you would find that not even Al-Qaeda can stand ISIS. They disowned them and they have been going back and forth since.

    ISIL was originally Al-Qaeda in
    Iraq, a few years ago they created the Al-Nusrah Front as their public face and government branch in Syria. When ISIL was disowned, Al-Nusrah front remainedloyal to Al-Qaeda, and has been fighting with ISIL since.

    Still the same evil guys doing evil things. A terrorist is a terrorist.
  7. Let's not kid ourselves to think there isn't a History of Gross Injustice in this Country against Black people. You gave an incident where you didn't escalate the situation with a barrage of insults. This doesn't happen in every case. Let me take a moment to thank you for your Service to the Communities you helped protect. Keeping a dialogue & trying to get an understanding is the only way things get better. I'm only one person doing my part trying to make a difference. Some times it's like tossing a pebble into the Ocean to see if it rises, but I know the impression I leave on my Sons & their friends. Some on this Site are as Cruel as the World, hiding behind their screen names being Bigoted Cowards slinging innuendos back & forth. I can't & won't Allow these sort of people regardless of Ethnicity to Destroy the efforts of many Dreamers who fought & Died for the many Liberties I'm afforded today. I can remember Vividly how Proud my Mother was the few times she could afford for my Sister & I to eat at the Counter at Kress store in Downtown Port Arthur. My Mother wasn't allowed this opportunity, so she Dreamed of the day she could see her kids get the opportunity. I was 8-9 yrs old at the time. Fast forward a few yrs later to the story I told of me & friends being harassed & searched and you ask yourself how far had my Mothers Dream really come?? How far has this Country really come today?? Sorry for the Dramatics, but this is really a Deep Rooted issue & concern to me. I won't quit Educating myself as well as others on the Racial Injustices that are rampant & wide spread throughout this Nation. Heck I don't have to go that far, we see it All Day Everyday in SETX. We must do better. If I offended anyone, that isn't the Intent. Educate,Evaluate, and Collaborate to UNITE.

  8. Nothing at all 7 months for killing someone is nothing at all. He executed the man and there's footage of it. If I was on tape doing what the officer did. It'll be no less than 25 to life.....he got 7 months. That's a big problem. I should have said. It's many cases with clear abuse from a officer that leads to a slap on the wrist or nothing at all. Again not saying cops just out killing but I'll love to see the prison time served of those who were charged.
  9. I don't believe officers enjoyed having to pull out a weapon. I don't think they wake up and decide they wanna kill or harm someone today. I do believe however from my own visual encounters cops can be very overly aggressive. I do believe trust has been lost. It's many cases with clear video of abuse from a officer that leads to nothing at all. The suspect can not have other criminals review his case why should police review the police. It's alot of cases that clearly shows the officers went to far even sometime resulting in death. Still the officer face no criminal charges and the department releases a statement in the police favor. Leaving alot to believe we'll if they did it to so and so. Maybe they did it to him also. Good blacks should distance themselves from the bad. Good cops should distance themselves from the bad. Instead black roll with blacks and cops roll with cops right or wrong.
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