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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. All one needs to know about McCain, is that he couldn't beat the worst President in the history of the world. But, I do respect his time in the service. And that would be a little different than a community agitator.

    at both times obama ran who could beat him both Romney and McCain beat out the right so they were the best the Republicans had to offer. John McCain sseem like a cool guy.
  2. Just simply on black lives matter situation. Black on black crimes usually end with a charge and conviction. I'm not saying I buy into the propaganda that black lives doesn't matter in the u.s. we do have a black president after all. The biggest rift is the media all media love stories like this. Forcing people to believe certain things that may not be and most likely no true. Lines get drawn the black guy either become a thug or a innocent kid. The cop become a racist or hero. All people need to learn not every black kid is a thug and not every white cop is a racist. I believe wilson actions was justified the NY cops(gardner) weren't.
  3. Depends.......

    Would you call this guy a redneck?


    Would you call this guy a skinhead?


    Image is everything.......

    If you dress like a certain way, you should expect people to treat you a certain way. If I wear a cowboy hat and boots, people assume I like country music.....fact of life.....

    Sooooo, if you dress like a thug/gangster, be prepared for people to assume.....

    No this is what I refuse to except. I get told alot by my older siblings,don't get that hair cut don't dress like that don't get that tattoo etc. a man in a tuxedo can be just as dangerous as the guy with dreads and tattoos. Perception is not the key prohibition gangsters used to get dressed as if they had a 9-5. Let ones actions speak of there character. I get your point if I seen a guy wearing cowboys boots n hat I would assume he was a country boy but that's it. A guy with baggy pants and tattoos Is seen more than just being urban or hip-hop influenced he's seen as a threat. People fear what they don't understand. Or what they find taboo.
  4. Sounds good to me! Oh wait, are you referring to the ones who came over in the 1800's and stopped and registered in Galveston, New Orleans, or at Ellis Island in New York? The ones who completed the proper paper work and registered. Then declared allegiance to the United States! Or the ones who hired drug cartels or Coyotes to smuggle them in and then hid among the population so that no one new they weren't supposed to be here. Then they put the flag up of the country that they came and told everyone that they were taking their country back! No, you must be talking about te first bunch!

    Columbus and gang did all that.
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