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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. I heard Perry saw a fail to act by others and said, "I have a phone and I have a pen and...", no wait, that was someone else.

    but dont be confused he received alot of heat from the right and this board. This just proves on so many different levels. Nobody cares just when the other side is doing it. If this was obama charged with this very few would be siding with him like they are with perry. ALL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT NOW IS DO THE POLITICIAN HAVE A D OR R IN FRONT HIS NAME.
  2. Do you mind if I ask how old you are? I spend a lot of time driving in PA in the middle of the night (I go fishing there), and I see a lot of black males hanging out and walking around, and I see a lot of police cars driving around, but I can't remember an instance where I've seen a car pulled up talking to anyone where it would appear that they were hassling them. I also go on a couple of police ridealongs a year and I've never heard on the radio or responded to any calls of any officer stopping a pedestrian for simply walking around. So I know it's not a something that happens constantly. I've also driven through the main drag there at 2 AM on many occasions and there were people spilled out into the streets, loud music, public drinking, etc, about 2 blocks from the police station, and no police were out hassling them, even though misdemeanors were being committed in the middle of the street. That being said, if there's a curfew on the seawall, and a group of black males is hanging out there anyway, if a white cop pulls up and tells them to leave is that considered hassling?

    I clearly stated its less about the race of a officer. But you clearly want to make it a black white thing. I'm 22 years old I've lived In port Arthur from birth to high school graduation. Minus a year in Louisiana. I have no reason to make things up I've seen police harass alot of people. Ive been stop many of times doing absolutely nothing or what police call j walking and all the others petty reasons they find to try and search you. Just no to long ago I was search on my way to my mom house in houston me and my little brother was smoking a cigarette. I guess the officer made a conclusion that it had to be weed so enter the long conversation about him telling us he know it was weed because he can smell it.tells us to get on wall etc etc. Ask for id. And begin his search. me and my brother is being pretty calm still hes screaming for no reason like were armed and dangerous. This is just one account of many. Not to mention the crap that happens nationwide. For that reason alone I avoid cops when I see a cop car I don't look to see if hes white or not I just pray he passes me up......Just a side note Im a respectable citizen that follows the law. I still feel need to avoid the guys who's in charge of reinforcing the law. I understand stand the job is dangerous and challenging but that do not give you the right to violate me. Because your job is challenging.
  3. Most important part of the talk: if you don't commit crimes and don't roam the streets in the middle of the night, very few cops will try and find a reason to stop you, regardless of your race.

    this is not true I grew up on the westside of P.A. certain people fear the way certain youth talk walk dress etc. Its stripping away rights to tell someone if you dont wanna be subject to harassment stop dressing a certain way. Its become completely normal to stereotype the youth. I cant tell you how many times I've been ask where you going..what you doing out here.. you got I.d. come here. And before anyone start. When my Dad gave me the talk he told me be careful and calm around cops. Not just white cops. Black community have tension with cops in general not just white cops.
  4. This whole thing is crap. It was really fun now it's just dumb. Nobody post links for knowledge and info. Every post is bait. Big girl defend this. Eco. What's your take on this. Things have gotten so personal on this board it's all about let me show this poster up with this or that. Rather than bounce ideas. The last successful thread was probably, should teachers carry guns and the one on assault rifles. When you post a link and your first post is let's hear the libs/Republicans defend this. Your asking for a argument not a discussion that can go places.
  5. That is what the 40+ people arrested have said.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not on the whole _ the police thing. I now alot of good guys with a badge. Just from experience I try to avoid cops at all time. .... but don't we all.
  6. I believe Texas stopped winning kids wanna win so kids go to other places. If texas is winning I think a lot of those kids go to Texas. Not to mention all the talent with the same story. TEXAS NEVER OFFERED ME. In the state of Texas if Texas is winning what could any other college offer. Other than if they wanna be S.E.C.
  7. baddog,
    This is a thread about the SEC network started by a Texas fan in an attempt to mock the SEC.  So that makes the thread about the SEC.  All I stated was that it might be a windfall for Texas A&M.  I guess you just have to mention that fact that you are in a conference other than the Big 12 and that constitutes "thumping your chest".
    You are the one trying to make this about Texas A&M.  Just a continuation of you A&M infatuation I guess.
    That is the exact reason that I did not mention that A&M was No. 2 on the viewing list just behind Alabama on the viewing list with an average of over 3 million more viewers per game than Texas.

    is this avg. Views yearly or just last year.
  8. I'm just wondering why post all this family info. And how you no this much info about this family. In all the post seem weird. But no people like that half life wrong. Welfare recipients should have to find a job with 8 weeks/ or on the workforce. Some way to show they at least are trying. No house hold should have over 1 ebt card. Card should be decline on questionable purchase.
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