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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Ok .... I lived on 1300 Joe Louis Louis manner Apt. from 4th grade- 11th. OK anybody familiar with Port Arthur knows about the conditions. I'll guess that maybe around 99% of the area is welfare recipients. I've meet lifetime friends we all played together spent nights over etc. I don't ever recall spending a night at anybody house and we at anything close to what you guys claim if we were lucky it's was a Bolonga sandwich syrup sandwich the best it got was eggs and rice. Not saying it wasn't days we had bbq or gumbo but that wasnt the norm. I'm not saying you guys are lying I'm just saying I knew of nobody in the apartments that ate steak ..yes alot had "illegal" cable. And if you had a car on 22 it was because ya parents got a nice income tax check. Or they made money outside. I just think some of you guys statements or way off. You all should go to these type places and look inside fridge you'll realize. No lobster no steak no nothing. It's sad that many speak jibe on something because they might of seen one lazy person. But like I said I just know better.
  2. It's just the right approach that everybody on welfare is just lazy don't work and just club with cars 22s eating steak and lobster. I'm not against encouraging people to get off if not needed. But I refuse to just cut off funds to the less fortunate. Or support anyone who belittle a large group as lazy takers. When I know better.
  3. I support food stamps and government assistance. I do not support them as a career choice for those who are too lazy to work. Him not wanting to foot the bill for the lazy does not make him an Uncle Tom.

    Yes it do he think he's the exception. Rather than use his story to help kids like him he's using his brand to destroy a system that clearly he even stats made him who is is today. It's the belief that I used it the way it was meant to be the rest of you are just lazy. Not thinking about the kids that are in the situation he was once in. Then to top it of any black that's disagree with him he calls a plantation thinker. Ben Carson is a great doctor maybe the best. But he is nothing more than a puppet in terms of a political view. Every sensible person can see this. Ben Carson was a doctor for a long time movie and all he didn't start popping up on news channels until he a successful black man opposed obama....NOTHING AT ALL TO SEE HERE.
  4. PAM, I guess the salient point is:  Would the NAALCP, or anyone who voted for and supported obama, not back Carson because he might not be qualified?  It didn't stop them concerning obama.  Just curious.

    dude you should wake up and realize nobody gives a crap about the naacp. Who cares what they do. And blacks will vote for the candidate that favors them like any other voter.
  5. Is Dr. Carson a natural US citizen? If he is, he would be qualified. We had a Hollywood actor come in and do a better job that a peanut farmer and a community activist. While I have a lot of respect for Dr Carson and like what I hear when he speaks, I want to know more before I jump on anybody's band wagon. I liked what I heard from Herman Cain until we found he couldn't keep his pants up. You can bet your boots that the media will dredge up something on any conservative candidate

    and fox (the media) didn't dredge up with Obama birth certificate, Muslim etc. Don't act like it's a one way street.
  6. If Ben is seriously unqualified having run an entire medical department at one of the top hospitals in the country for many years....then yes, you are correct, running the neighborhood picnic for a few short years is seriously unqualified...I agree with you!

    cute way to answer my question is Ben qualified yes or no.
  7. PamFAm-  Bush did NOT cause the recession.( it's known as the cyclicality of an economy)  If he did, then Clinton caused the one that Bush came in to deal with when he won his first term.  Would you like to compare the Bush "recovery" to the Obama "recovery"?

    I'm getting real tired of asking you can you read do you even try to comprehend or did you just read bush + recession. Go read my post and try again.
  8. I know I'd be mad if my son had better grades, SAT and extracurriculars and got denied at his dream school while a B average student got in for the sake of "diversity"
    Let's hear your thoughts

    I know I'd be mad if my son had better grades, SAT and extracurriculars and got denied at his dream school while a B average student got in because_________.
  9. My guess is that, if he runs, the left will find something in his past.  Perhaps a patient who may have died on the operating table ( who had little hope of surviving anyway).  Dr. Carson will be "painted" as somehow incompetent and without compassion.  This scenario would only come to pass if the left can't find a woman who , for a "small sum", is willing to contend that she was groped by Dr. Carson and was subjected to "suggestive" remarks.

    You never stop stop huh. I hear a lot about Obama being unqualified... Ben is seriously unqualified. Or it don't go both ways.
  10. I'm pretty much new to this ...but I can post that it's raining outside and some people will blame it on a certain party. ..Both sides. I'm just saying we never bounce ideas of each other. Every day it's R vs D .it's not even worth posting anything you know we're ever body stand...WITH THERE PARTY. It's only a few posters who says anything that not right out off a handbook.
  11. No no no ....Bush was seen as and I say seen as the president who started a pointless war American was tired of. And seen as they guy who led us into recession under his watch. I know it's hopefully thinking but no it will not be the same. Not even close. Gay rights, abortion, immigration, and economy will be what people vote on.
  12. Yes Obama is the president for another two years of being a lame duck and there is nothing we can do about that.
    When Obama was in his first two years of office the Republicans tried to block several pieces of legislation, most notably Obamacare. That is when the Dems had the super majority and could pass any legislation it wanted but the Republicans kept trying to throw up roadblocks.
    Representative Elijah Cummings (D) a couple of times in a fairly angry tone got on the television and denounced the Republicans by saying something like, "We won and you lost and we are now in control. That is the way this works".
    Yes Elijah, that is the way it works. Historically there has been compromise on legislation being passed but now the Dems had the ultimate power for two years. Of course they wasted it and passed only one piece if real legislation, Obamacare.
    They were promptly hit with the midterms in 2010 where the public greeted their legislative prowess with a stunning reversal in Congress in a historic switch in the House. Yes, Obama is the president for another two years of being a lame duck.
    The Republicans made good strides in the Senate and took away their filibuster proof majority. The only reason the did not take over the Senate was because only 1/3 of senators is ever up for reelection at one time but that again is the rules.
    Since Obamacare the Republicans have held a firm grip on the House. The president or Dems can get nothing passed into law for the last six years of Obama's presidency without Republican consent and it is driving them crazy. Simply put, House elections are local to each area and a majority of the American public has rejected the Dems leadership in passing laws. Yes, Obama got a huge 51% if the vote in 2012 and will now finish out his term however he faces the prospect of losing the Senate also in a couple of months.
    His power has been stripped and he has resorted to illegal executive orders, some if which have been thrown out by the Supreme Court with likely more to follow (3 losses in the last month). That fact has Obama and the Dems outraged but in the words of Elijah Cummings (now coming back to haunt the Dems), we won and you lost. The Republicans now hold a solid majority in the House and (thank you Mr. Cummings) that us the way this works giving the Republicans overwhelming control. 
    If the Republicans take over the Senate in November and take full control of Congress, Obama can get his pen in hand (as he loves to say) but this time to issue veto after veto as the Republicans will be sending him law after law. Remember, that is the way this works as Mr. Cummings so eloquently pointed out. But wait, can't the Dem senators simply filibuster? Oops.... Harry Reid and the Dems voted a rules change when they didn't like the Republicans legally blocking legislation (again within the rules) so they changed the rules in mid stream. They were warned not to let the genie out of the bottle as it would come back to haunt them. Now they are desperately praying to hang on to the Senate or face a nightmare in legislation that they created when they couldn't play within the rules.
    But Obama will still be the president. Let's see how that works our for him with his poll numbers now down into the 30's in many areas.
    And again in the words of Dem spokesman Elijah Cummings, Obama won and is the president........ but he will be stripped of almost all power except the veto and that is the rules.

    your proud of this.
  13. I never thought we would agree on so many things.....
    It really does not affect me if two men get married. So, I have no issue with that. I do think out of tradition it should be called a union and not marriage.
    I'm with PAMFAM on the abortion issue.....there are too many variables for me to decide. I'm against in some cases, but for in others.
    I'm pro death penalty on certain crimes but I'm against some of the penalties for drug users.
    I believe religion should be able to be shared on signs and in public places. I also believe non-religious signs should be able to be displayed in the same public places. I believe in freedom to believe or NOT to believe......
    I want to remain a FREE country

    Careful with your post you might get labeled a liberal.
  14. I believe God's system was to have GODLY men in place to determine guilt or innocence and I believe capitol punishment is a proper sentence sometimes.
    Having the GODLY men in place is where it breaks down much of the time.
    Are you going to tell me you are against capitol punishment but believe abortion should be legal.
    Abortion sure seems to be capitol punishment to me...and surely it is to the child it is administered to.

    I'm not for nor against abortion It's just to tricky for me I'd admit but with birth control doesn't everybody win shouldn't that be the common ground for both.
  15. The Bible (Hebrew) does not say Thou shall not kill...the proper interpretation is Thou shall not murder or more specifically according to Hebrew interpretation, Thou shall not shed INNOCENT blood.
    To condemn someone to death for a heinous crime is not shedding innocent blood....killing the unborn is.

    Simple question you believe God is for or against capital murder. ...because I have a lot of Scripture I can post for my belief. You have to capital punishment is nothing more than revenge giving man the ability to kill. John 8:7-11
  16. Abortion affects more than "your own body" ...as a result a child is not born.
    That's the problem Christians (and many others) have with abortion...we don't view it as a "choice"...we view it as ending a life, whether it's legal or not.

    I know a lot of Christian that's for the death penalty thou shall not kill....Says the bible ... I just see politicians using the bible to support something they want to control. I don't see nothing religious in D.C.
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