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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. So you agree with prostitution and polygamy?

    Bingo, so let us be who we want to be Christians who don't believe in abortion and don't want to pay for it.

    So you agree with prostitution and polygamy?

    Bingo, so let us be who we want to be Christians who don't believe in abortion and don't want to pay for it.

    I'm a Christian Jr decon being a Christian doesn't give you the right to control other people's life. I don't believe I'll go to hell because so & so married the same race. My father knows where my heart is on this issue and I'm comfortable with that. I pray for souls not condemn because one day we all will answer to GOD.
  2. It's called education.  The Low Information Voter thinks obama's a saint.  I'm giving actual stuff going on that you and others don't see or hear from the sources ya'll frequent.  The stuff I show here, I know you haven't seen.  Just because you don't like what you see here doesn't mean it's wrong.  So, I will continue to show why obama is the worst President ever.  You can not defeat the enemy by ignoring them.    Or, is it that some can't handle the truth?!

    nothing in this post is true. Stop stating opinions as if they were facts. I could care less about how you feel towards or about Obama. I just question why go about it like the nature in which you do. It's plenty of guys on this site that opposes obama but they don't take the Rafael Cruz route you take.
  3. America Is deciding to let people be who they are for the first time. This new generation (my generation) is saying no to discrimination We're saying what a person decides to do with their life is their decision. To say some is against a controlling government. They show have no problem with the government telling you who you can marry or what your allowed to do with your own body. Hmmmmm
  4. Raider......a lot of school age children along with parents don't even know that word
    Moral -  ......distinction btw right and wrong........derives from B...I...B...L...E...
    They have to be taught what that means.
    I ve been in the school setting for quite some time.....I see the behaviors of children and their parents....
    im not saying its the end of times but To ignore that fact is neglect and irresponsible as humans.  Most of us will not see the results of today's actions, laws, and the change in right and wrong.  But believe me their will be an influence on the tomorrows from the actions/inactions of today.

    Yet I thought Christianity pop. was up across the globe
  5. also  SLAVERY is over.....get with the times. 
    seriously PAM  "what values does this country......."
    you must be deaf and blind

    Not I must be a American that don't ____ & complain. Stop make believe that some how this country is on a fast track to hell every generation swear it's the last days of being a superpower. Name me one simple value you can say was changed by Obama and Obama only. And values are suppose to change with time. We once valued slaves once valued not giving woman rights once valued segregation. AMERICA IS NOT LOSING IT VALUES. IT'S LOSING WHAT YOU VALUE. It a difference.
  6. I would say that Christian values, while still around to some extent, are vastly diminished.  Society looks askance at success and finds nobility in those without success and convinces those that they are victims of an unfair society thus causing the country to take "compassion" to an extreme.

    I would say that Christian values, while still around to some extent, are vastly diminished.  Society looks askance at success and finds nobility in those without success and convinces those that they are victims of an unfair society thus causing the country to take "compassion" to an extreme.

    And you're saying it all happened under Obama. Your foolish.
  7. So, what is the answer?
    Biggirl brags about her education and how many degree's and what a good job she has. Then she makes excuses about slavery and not being on an even playing field with the white man. If she admitted it could be done with just hard work and dedication, she couldn't use that bag of excuses she keeps with her.....
    so I say again......Asians and Hispanics as a group are good role models for hard work and dedication.....
    Disclaimer.....not ALL Asians or ALL Hispanics are good role models for hard work and dedication.....some are not...

    What I'm saying is what I honestly believe anybody who try hard enough can succeed in this country. That being said I honestly believe it's a lot harder and more barriers to cross being a minority. Times are getting better but I wouldn't say the playing field is even just yet. I'm just saying America have a way of actin like nothing ever happened.
  8. bullets, I guess I'll ask the obvious question:  If they want to live here, then why not go through the LEGAL process like thousands before them have done?  Again -- it's the ILLEGAL part that should trouble everyone.  Because, just think about it -- legal citizen's tax dollars are going to be spent taking care of ILLEGAL immigrants.  This should not be right in anyone's book.  Thoughts?

  9. I have banned myself from responding to a certain poster but in response to your post, one of the great myths being put out by the radical left is that the "truth" of what is really happening is "a myth"!!  Now does everyone on welfare abuse it!  No!!  Do enough abuse it that the system is broke!!!  YES!!!!  That is what is unacceptable and causes hard feelings!!!

    Well everyone will agree that the system is broke.  That's not the issue the issue is. Certain people trying to rattle their base calling everyone on welfare takers,lazy  etc. To truly fix this problem it will take brains and understanding. Simply calling people names won't change it. I've heard no reasonable fix to the problem from both sides. 

  10. If spending that money protects our borders from ILLEGALS.....hell yeah its worth it.
    There are some truly stupid people in this world with no logical thinking on how a country with our such freedoms can easily lose those freedoms by free loaders.
    that's all you who vote for free crap cause your to dang lazy to work.  u ride in your luxury vehicles on 22s but get food stamps.  YOU RE A DISGRACE ...yes a DISGRACE.

    if someone have a luxury vehicle...How you think they got it.. Government not giving off vehicles on 22s. And don't forget the trailer parks on 22s also.
  11. oh know I wasn't surprised at all hell he ran against one of the weakest Reps in McCain(he s more neutral then right)
    Your not getting what I am saying...im talking sheer numbers.  Yes most minorities vote dem....i know they voted for Clinton, jfk, etc.  Im talking the total number of votes by blacks (especially 18 to 30 yr olds) for 08 election vs any other election year.
    They voted on skin color not what his platform was....though he got elected and won, but what does that really say????
    woman will get more of the woman vote, a Hispanic will get more of the Hispanic vote, but it will not compare to the difference in numbers for blacks voting in 08 vs any other year.

    I think everyone pretty knew that was going to happen just think about it. But what happened with Jesse in the other who tried and fail yes election was racially split but it wasn't race alone.
  12. So, since he is against Obamacare, you would not vote for him?  You wouldnt want to hear what he stands for before deciding whether or not to vote for him.   sounds like you will vote democratic regardless of who is the candidate for either party and with no concern for their qualificiations.   sounds like a low info voter.

    tell me where did you get all this information from please.
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