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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. And was that link supposed to change anything I can go outside right now with a camera eventually I'll find a few folks thats not too bright to interview. Dumb people vote yes for Republican and Democrats. This video only proves that the owner of the film is just angry and desperately needs to tell himself that it has to be some reason we lost let's blame it on the voters,foodstamps and entitlements. You guys should understand.
  2. You know what you guys just love crying. Seriously you can't just say more than half the country is low inform voters or voted just because of foodstamps and promised things. If that was they case bush will have never been elected twice just face the fact that the country voted him in its been 6 years and you guys still won't accept it. Talking bout the young vote. Lol obama won just about every imaginable demographic. Except old white males. You guys don't believe the own crap you say because if what you all saying is true why even waist time let's just declare hillary the 45th. Wonder when or if the Republicans win the senate or white house will the voters still be considered low inform voters.
  3. In all seriousness if Obama was elected because of low informed voter's then who was bush elected by. Or did voters make a switch from informed votes to low inform voters in the span of 4 years. and if a Republican take the white house in 2 years will the same voters be considered low inform voters. Or is Low inform a code world for people who don't think like me. SERIOUS QUESTION.
  4. PAM, stop the talking points and tell us ONE accomplishment hillary had as Secretary Of State.  I know you are learning.  But you need to have both sides of a situation to make YOUR OWN decisions of who is right and who is wrong.

    you take me to serious I don't care who wins 2016 I've lost faith in all politicians.
  5. Pamfam- take a look at the poll that came out today naming the worst PResidents since World War 2.  After you read it, get back to me on 2024 or 2016 or, for that matter, the mid terms in 2014

    2010 I heard the same talk. Don't worry its always 2024
  6. Newtobie- who was it that said all blacks are on section 8 and running around with free phones? What is criticized by Republicans is not the people who receive all the handouts but rather the idea behind the handouts and the costs associated with continually expanding the handouts and the number of people receiving them  We are being indoctrinated ( well, many of us are) to believe that government can solve all issues and it simply cannot.  It's far too easy these days to become a recipient of government assistance and, in many cases, those who receive it teach their children ( by example) that it is an acceptable alternative to becoming self sufficient.

    Your last sentence please explain how you'll know. Experience, polls, fox.
  7. If you guys wanna believe bush in the crew was talking about gas go ahead but it's clear bush was talking nuclear bombs. Listen to any speech from him dick or rice and tell me what kind of weapon bush was referring too. WMDS or WMDS but let's not act like haha bush was right. It's like me claiming somebody have a pterodactyl and I find a misquote.

  8. If you guys wanna believe bush in the crew was talking about gas go ahead but it's clear bush was talking nuclear bombs. Listen to any speech from him dick or rice and tell me what kind of weapon bush was referring too. WMDS or WMDS but let's not act like haha bush was right. It's like me claiming somebody have a pterodactyl and I find a misquote.
  9. The study stated that 60% of strong liberals don't often feel proud to be American.  Just wondering what Big Girl, the enlightened.chosen one, Pamfam, and Newtobie think of that statistic?

    Why would I care I'm not a liberal 2nd I can careless about the 60% that funny feel proud to be American. They have freedom to leave. Just like all the folks in the south were talking secession.
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