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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. She would.  She needs this badly to protect her presidential run.  Maybe what you should ask is why did it take so long to arrest this guy!  I heard a report earlier today that they questioned this guy within a month of the incident.  I guess with his arrest the president can now say that he has beat back for good the terrorist threats from the the taliban/al queda!!!

    your really asking why it took a long time for a president to catch a terrorist.
  2. So If I'm A Democrat I Have To be pro choice pro gay marriage pro immigration etc and if I'm a Republican I have to be on the opposite side. You know how robotic that sound. If a person is pro life but for gay marriage. He's seen as a confused or unsure person wow. So becoming a D or R means you know longer think for yourself. Imo the thought of one calling himself a D or R is just foolish.
  3. Nash, you know me too well  ;)  Yeah, I had heard about the BPM Club and da rumors. And yes I knew I met the membership requirements. And yes, lets just say I've always loved to rattle some cages. One day I'm gonna have to tell you about my house hunting in Lumberton, Tx. :ph34r: Oh, and how I use to go to Vidor and shop in the stores.

    Haha lmao
  4. I bet at one point you thought Ted Cruz would not be a Senator from Texas!   TEA party all the way on this one.
    BTW -- what do you have against the philosophy of the TEA party?

    All I know is Republican better run christie...Hillary wouldn't even need to campaign nor go to debates if Rafael is the right choice.
  5. No I don't believe they were racist acts. 
    But I know if I created a WET or an all white college....it wouldn't fly and also labeled a  racist.....
    But it does remind me when it was white bathroom...black bathroom.....white water fountain.....black water fountain....etc
    When attaching a color (race) to a organization/group ....what that says is that no other race is allowed......and that right there is what keeps some racism still alive.
    Here's a question if you seclude a race or races....is that a form of racism?

    Today yes it would be racist but at the time BET HBCU etc was created it was very necessary. As you can see Today nobody cares about naacp black students do not prefer hbcu anymore(at least not as 1st or 2nd options)I forgot BET existed.
  6. Maybe one should ask why one felt as if they had to create bet hbcu naacp. Could it been that mtv didn't play black artists on there network. Colleges weren't accepting blacks. Etc. 5gallonbucket you believe these were racist acts.
  7. So what will that make a Big Mac meal cost? I'm betting about $15.00. Since it was very near to the cost of minimum wage now. That will be goodness for those getting the big raise, they will be able to buy a lot more now. Oh wait, no, they still can only buy the same amount. Maybe they should raise minimum wage to $30.00. That would fix it! ;(

    $10.00 from 7 is not that big of a jump prices will not jump that high.
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