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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. PamFAm- That attitude is whats killing this country.  Instead of saying to oneself "why get a job that wont change your situation" why shouldn't it be " what can I do to improve my status in life"?

    look Nash bottom line some people can careless that's just how they see it. A shame yes but that will likely never change. 10/hr can motivate.
  2. Dove, since you are the race card police, I would like to get an answer to a question posed previously but never answered.
    If it is racist to oppose everything the President says or does, is it also racist to support, unconditionally, the President in everything he says or does?

    Nash come to kill all topics
  3. Was she wearing a hoodie?

    Classless cowardly just plain ignorant excuse for a human. All you ever do is bait. You posted that simply so someone can call you racists and you'll reply blah blah blah. THIS IS THE MOST CLASSLESS POST I'VE SEEN ON THIS SITE.
  4. Dove, Big girl, Pamfam, and New tobie: If the Miami Heat wins the title again, that will be three straight years ( the rich getting richer) This is unfair to the Milwaukee Bucks and Cleveland Cavaliers ( poor getting poorer). I demand legislation be enacted to neutralize this inequality. We should institute a fairness tax on the Heat. This tax would require them to win each game by 15 points or more in order to count it as a win. I also think they should be required to have at least 5 caucasians on the playing roster in the interest of diversity and tolerance. Furthermore, the Heat should compensate the BUcks and Cavs for the ill gotten gains they have in attendance revenue. Since they have superior attendance and more attendance revenue, the oppressed deserve a portion of those ill gotten gains. All of this, of course, is a reasonable way to "level the playing field" After all, it's only right that we "spread the wealth"

    This was plain retarded if the heat win 3 straight blah blah blah the bucks are not dying of hunger the nba do not have homeless players. That was just a sad example.
  5. Some dont worry about taxes because they dont pay any but receive, on average, about $33,000 worth of federally funded support each year.  And, supposedly, we are still "very concerned" about the lack of equality in this country.  Guess what the answer is- Yep- I am not paying my fair share ( even though 1/2 of the country pays a ZERO SHARE) and I need to pay more

    Again really Nash you turn every thread into a entitlement one.
  6. Disagree.  Everyone's has an odor to it.  And that applies to the President too.  Those who believe he should never be challenged or questioned are very naïve.  Those who think to question or challenge the President is a racist act, don't have much intelligence.

    I'm truly amazed.. What is you even talking bout.
  7. I am saying that it is more than wrong for the Chief Executive of this country to intentionally lie to the public and nothing that happened in the past justifies that.  I asked this once and got no answer ( and I think I know why) but let me ask you:
    Regarding Benghazi, IRS Scandal, NSA spying scandal, Fast and Furious, the GSA gone wild scandal, to name a few of the most prominent.  Has the truth to all of these issues come out?  Or are these all phoney scandals that have been trumped up by the Republicans?

    You proved my point already thanks.
  8. PamFAm- Weapons of mass destruction was voted on by everyone (including the Democrats who are so much "smarter" than everyone else. Hillary voted for the war. So no, I needn't defend anything about WMDs. Once again, what happened 10 years ago is no justification for misleading the public today. After all, this was going to be the most transparent administration in history, which may be as big as any lie told.

    So you saying in 10 years all Obama lies should also be forgotten.
  9. PamFAm- Weapons of mass destruction was voted on by everyone (including the Democrats who are so much "smarter" than everyone else. Hillary voted for the war. So no, I needn't defend anything about WMDs. Once again, what happened 10 years ago is no justification for misleading the public today. After all, this was going to be the most transparent administration in history, which may be as big as any lie told.

  10. No Nash you don't get it Bush was Commander In chief I don't care if the dems or a group of elfs agreed only the Commander In Chief can declare wars. He stood in front of the American people and told them saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Which killed tens of thousands innocent lives. But of course obama lie is way bigger huh.
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