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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. You are right. There is no need for any of us to know any of the details. The President has already proven that he never lies and is leading the most transparent administration in our history. I guess the Benghazi situation was caused by a video after all and the IRS problem truly was a result of two rogue Cincinnati agents, and all Americans can keep their doctor and their plan if they like it. My mistake.

    yes change subject ....stop nagging.
  2. BigGirl: Racism exists when you have a black President, Attorney General and one on the highest court in the land?? But, you are right, the race-based hustlers need to keep the appearance that racism exist so that they stay relevent (jackson, sharpton). Also -- people bring racism up when they are losing an argument!

    Your saying racism don't exist.
  3. So you are not aware that they are both very accomplished and successful black people? They both have the same general outlook on things that Mr. Carson has. What say you about that?

    Still can careless. I don't believe them to be hypocrites like Ben.
  4. I was speaking to BIg Girl. But, since you are now involved, would you mind expressing your feelings about Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas?

    I could careless about them I just don't go around finding Republicans to hate.
  5. Lack of facts again. Intent can be present if the person takes action with the knowledge that it will lead to the commission of a crime. You break in, you may have intent. I'm not waiting for you to show me your plans. Bursts of three coming your way.

    your clearly taking about something I'm clearly not
  6. I think he is a shining example of what one can accomplish if one really puts his/her mind to it. Now that you have told us why you dislike Mr. Carson, please tell us why you also dont care for Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas.

    When did I say this.
  7. Stop the nonsense he been a hero he been respected I never seen Ben on Fox till recently everybody knows why. Speaking a CPAC come on admit it he's a hero simply because he stood up to Obama and he's black....Don't get me wrong he is a hero saving lives and doing great things in his field of work but that is not the reason he spoke at CPAC.
  8. I said this time after time he's a hypocrite he's seems to believe that he's above or better than. Charles Barkley Steven A Smith keeps it real but they show action Carson just rant and rant about how's he's a conservative how he think different how awesome he is. How he's not a plantation thinker. He had a chance to really help alot of people instead choose to belittle them. I can go on and on. Ben been a successful Dr how long. Why is it he's a hero now.....because he's black and he's against Obama. If Carson would have come out and praised Obama and told everyone welfare can work would he still be a hero.
  9. Then you are not listening.

    No one has said we END welfare.....we trim, prevent abuse, and make it a temporary fix not a retirement plan........

    It can be done, but people will have to stop thinking we will end it....and more importantly, if you don't agree with a successful person, fine.....but don't call your own race racial slurs because you disagree.....

    White people use to call white girls very ugly names when seen with a black man.....that was never the right thing to say, and Uncle Tom is right along those lines......

    that's not why I called him what I called him. My big brother I grew up with under the same circumstances votes Republican and have tons of white friends I never judge on that I judge off of actions.
  10. PamFAm - who do you thinks sets the best example for improverished youth on how to get out of their situation:

    Jay Z or Ben Carson?

    Honestly Jay z before you judge know Jay z came from nothing to making tons of millions legally same with Ben I'll let my son go to a Jay z concert as well as a Ben Carson speech.
  11. I read enough on Ben Carson I take nothing away from his success I just feel the way I feel towards him.....I think everyone will agree we have a problem here but I haven't heard any reasonable way to fix the problem. We can't just end welfare.This problem should have been fixed a long time ago. It will surely take some time to fix. I Just don't like some people's view that all or just lazy bums milking. When I know better. Let's find a way to help without crippling.
  12. I don't care if he's a brain surgeon so what good for him I said what I said because I strongly believe he is. The man clearly forgot were he come from .. TEACH DONT BELITTLE he's tryna do away with a system that help him get alone he got his now he wants to do away with it. Uncle Tom.
  13. Who cares about Ben he's either a hypocrite or just believe he's better than most. To use a system that help him out tremendously than turn around and basically look down on it. He could of used his story to empower those on welfare to make a change instead he chose to belittle them..smh Ben Carson is just a Republican puppet AKA Uncle Tom.
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