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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Not just assault rifles ..Guns like Ak-47s, M-16s, Uzis, tech9s, guns that designed to kill a lot in a matter of seconds.
  2. I said ban not take away from military or cops. It shouldn't be so easy to get a ak47. And using your theory we should unban drugs and murder huh because people still do it. Think about it.
  3. how do criminals get assault weapons. .. think on it.
  4. look I age with you on that but a ban on assault rifles would help.
  5. Gay mafi* how can you just openly use such a slur grow up people. Thats so degrading.
  6. automobiles wasn't invented to kill guns are.
  7. Haha Bush enough said. Guy said all kinds of retarded crap
  8. Im not for taking anybody guns ..but teachers and guns is something I can't agree with.
  9. I think mass school shootings are the worst. But they are rare so giving thousands of teachers guns to stop a shooter that most likely will never show will cause more harm than good.
  10. dude you do understand cops are already present in schools im just advocating for a few more
  11. All the police they have on roads checking for missing tail lights and crap you telling me they cant take a few cops and put them in a school. Saving money is more important than our kids safety.
  12. That's why we have cops all I hear is money its cheaper just to have a teacher holding. Put more cops in schools its that simple.
  13. Hello 911 I have emergency....Please Hold!!!!
  14. You no its extremely difficult for a 16 year old to steal a gun from a responsible gun owner.
  15. And its too easy to mass shoot with people walking around with ak-47s guns clearly made to kill alot of people in a few seconds.
  16. responsibility they had this document on kids who kill on the discovery ID channel it covered all kinds of school mass shootings. In every single case the kid used their parents guns.. I bring up kids because school shootings are mostly done by students.
  17. You can't think what these politicians call a government shut down is a true government shutdown.
  18. but were does it stop if somebody makes a decision to mass kill they will. ..teachers packing or ...excuses the graphic but they'll just take out teacher first or Maybe wait till on school bus .. do we start arming school bus drivers lunch ladies etc also
  19. I'll never allow a teacher to teach any of mine with a loaded Weapon
  20. Just stop and consider all the federal government do. If the government ever shut down. You all would beg for it back
  21. you that method Bush responsible for his wars And 9/11 . so you dare compare the two
  22. Republicans base dying quick ...so now they act like the whole u.s is just ignorant for not voting for the party that's put us in a pointless war and led us into a recession... yes because we only vote dems for food stamps
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