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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. I was thinking that breaking into someones home, regardless of intent, is a big no-no and deserves a punishment sufficient to prevent an instant replay. But that's just me. I know how important it is to show compassion for those folks.

    What's wrong with you must everything be a debate with you. You love throwing out these sarcastic post. Nothing about showing compassion towards criminals. Stealing someone TV is alot different than harming someone and taking the TV. As in more charges.
  2. So just because other people have done it it makes it OK huh what's wrong is wrong. So we shouldn't be concern about putin using your analogy. The trail of tears was completely fair. Yes you and I wouldn't be here more reason to honor the Natives for all this country put them threw. We're not taking giving them everything just respect stopping the use of Indians and redskins seem logic.
  3. I believe in support for the needy but not welfare abuse. It's too easy. I think a fare request would be to randomly drug test recipients. I don't understand those that oppose such a requirement. JMO

    because if a recipient fails a drug test and loses welfare ...The innocent kids will suffer.
  4. Why do you guys make welfare such a big deal I mean all the world problems and all I ever hear is the welfare talk. Know matter what's the topic of the thread is somebody will post something about welfare/foodstamps. Making it seem like they're taking your whole check and giving it away. I work hard for everything I got and it's not fancy but I still have no problem with helping those in need. I mean really do you even no how much they take out your check for welfare. Would you rather let half this nation starve to death. Even the lazy people on welfare. Whatever happened to the right religious beliefs complaining making a huge deal over helping the less fortunate out. Are do they only get religious when it's time to talk about guys and abortions.
  5. Does that mean the 17 year old should get less or should the murdered get more?

    If a 17 year old should get less, what about a 19 year old or a 22 year old?

    If a 17 year old and a 35 year old ( with very similar behavior backgrounds) commit a crime together, does the older one deserve more punishment?

  6. response to JV's question to BIG GIRL

    Same reason the black churches have up anti abortion signs but the majority of their attendees voted for a man that was for abortion.

    The progressive movement is "cool" and "hip"

    "it what's trending now"

    why just make this about the black church Obama won twice so I'm sure all kinds of Christian's voted for him. Are you calling them hypocrites?
  7. This had nothing to do with that. it was supposed to be congratulations for Mr Sam. and you come with I wanna congratulate all white......Why not just say take the white part out... don't you wanna congratulate blacks who's straight and fear god also.
  8. If there any guys that were drafted who are white, straight, believe in God, do not expect the government to take care of them, and do not view themselves as victims, I would like to offer my congratulations to them for making it in spite of very difficult circumstances.

    Who made this about race.....Ok.
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