Bush was president I dont care if the easter bunny santa and the tooth fairy wanted war bush was president the man who made the call that killed so many Americans ... What did it even accomplish. Am I suppose to feel different that dems supported the war. Bush refuse to admit he made a mistake and instead of pull out he stayed.
Haha but cnn have Republicans and Democrats and juan and beckel only co host the five cnn even msnbc have Republican and dems who host msnbc only one. So again how can a show who Clearly favors one side can be fair and balance fox and msnbc slogan should be "the side you Wanna hear"
your dead right soon as a president is elected the opposing party try hard to make the presidency a failure to help them in the next election BOTH PARTIES.
My beloved brother has had his share of mistakes and failures.. I didn't even vote for a second term..Damn sure ain't vote for Romney either. But I'll defend the president of this nation from the angry radical repeal everything no ideas having politicians.
Yes because all the problems in the world is directly Obama fault but we all just to blind to see it. Or just takers all on government ASSISTANCE . RIGHT