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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. And yet still beat the best the right had to offer twice. Wow that says alot.........WAIT my bad he only won because of foodstamps and entitlement
  2. Bush was president I dont care if the easter bunny santa and the tooth fairy wanted war bush was president the man who made the call that killed so many Americans ... What did it even accomplish. Am I suppose to feel different that dems supported the war. Bush refuse to admit he made a mistake and instead of pull out he stayed.
  3. Thank you for your Service
  4. PAMFAM10


    I watch all 3 I'm not a one sided person watch all 3 and form my own opinion because that's all that matters
  5. PAMFAM10


    Haha but cnn have Republicans and Democrats and juan and beckel only co host the five cnn even msnbc have Republican and dems who host msnbc only one. So again how can a show who Clearly favors one side can be fair and balance fox and msnbc slogan should be "the side you Wanna hear"
  6. Hoover is in the same category as sterling
  7. PAMFAM10


    You can't trust a news channel where the whole staff is Republicans/democrats...Fox/msnbc out off the 3 CNN has to be considered the most fair.
  8. Look my Republicans friends you want change get a candidate in who can win.
  9. your dead right soon as a president is elected the opposing party try hard to make the presidency a failure to help them in the next election BOTH PARTIES.
  10. My beloved brother has had his share of mistakes and failures.. I didn't even vote for a second term..Damn sure ain't vote for Romney either. But I'll defend the president of this nation from the angry radical repeal everything no ideas having politicians.
  11. Nice try but 77 post clearly stated it be different if the president was white. So I asked the question.
  12. I see you guys like throwing words in people's mouths to try to prove a point
  13. Again because he's black huh
  14. you mad. Show me were I celebrated the death of 4 Americans.
  15. Unemployment fell to 6.3 but you rather just throw out your little conspiracy. ..tell me again What qualifies you to make such judgment.
  16. To bad Reagan wont be on any 2016 ticket...Clinton will be again tho
  17. 15 pages its really nothing left to say we all agree sterling is a racist.
  18. Do you believe the kkk is racist
  19. Yes because all the problems in the world is directly Obama fault but we all just to blind to see it. Or just takers all on government ASSISTANCE . RIGHT
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