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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Did Obama ever call Tebow to congratulate him?

    Why would he lets get this fact straight tim tebow was no the first or only player at the time who openly expressed his love towards Jesus. Michael Sam came out gay in a day in time where half the nation is split in two about the situation. Every player I've ever seen interview after a game give thanks to god. Not everyone says im gay. Its a big step forward for their movement. The media can make people change views on issues but I strongly agree there forcing this on everyone might get a few dads and moms upset.
  2. I would explain, but you don't care about the facts of the case and what's legal and illegal to do. If you do care about the facts, then research it yourself.....but remember, if he profiled, it is not against the law, IF he followed him, it is not against the law.....but we do know that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman and based on evidence assaulted him.

    just because something is not illegal doesn't make it right look at all the mess Zimmerman been in since the trail. Sad man.
  3. why didn't I see any straight man kissing his wife/girlfriend when they got drafted.....where was that at....did it not happen or did it happen and media didn't want to show it......there's your proof where the media stands

    Sam knew the camera's were on him.....

    media also showed a kid propose to his girlfriend after he was drafted so....
  4. It is extremely convenient that you completely ignore any of the actual gathered evidence to draw your conclusion. Of course that is your right of free thought but making up things seems to take away most of the credibility.

    tell me that Zimmerman and trayvon confrontation wasn't do to Zimmerman thinking martin was in the wrong.
  5. I saw it as a thread about a football player. But you apparently see it as a thread to label a football player as a gay, black man. So i should refer to Romo as an overrated Italian with gay tendencies. That's just how I see him.

    you cant say Michael sam without saying gay I only brought his race in a convo with nash.....I hate the Cowboys but I wouldn't say romo has gay tendencies ....he stay with woman...wait nevermind.
  6. I doubt that any pro player relies on government. You simply don't understand my point and lets leave it at that. I am one of those guys who refuses to be bullied into" proving" that he is not racist because I resent the "
    assumption" that I am and that I have to say or do something to prove I am not. Yes, this thread is about a gay black who was drafted into the NFL. However, some posted their feelings( not me) that it doesn't need to be "shoved down their throat" by the media. Do you "get" that?

    if I don't understand I ask multiple times for a explanation. Maybe you just have nothing to say on it. I dont bully at all I just started how I felt the same way you did...it's just opinions.
  7. If there any guys that were drafted who are white, straight, believe in God, do not expect the government to take care of them, and do not view themselves as victims, I would like to offer my congratulations to them for making it in spite of very difficult circumstances.

    your damn racist.
  8. yes i do. You guys were listening to him when he said George was not a racist.

    this case was about race a innocent black teen who wasn't doing anything wrong was profiled because he was black. The terms of events all started because Zimmerman seen a black guy in his neighborhood. And decided to take care of it himself.
  9. you may want to look up the history of how this country came about......and why people left Europe to come here and start a new life and finally create their own governing body and to get out from under the British thumb.

    History is a great teacher.

    Don't get me started
  10. The democratic way! Any black republican can not be a serious candidate or top member in the party. Just a bunch of Uncle Toms. At least the dems are the compassionate party and hope everyone can achieve their greatest potential...as long as that potential is what they tell you it is.

    when did I say this. .. Shut up and name me a top republican nominee.
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