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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. They steal them. That's why they call them criminals. But, if you are saying that if the US stops making them, then they'll smuggle them. We have a ban on drugs, don't we?! Think about it...
    PS - Will the military still have access to assault rifles? How about police departments? If so, then that means they are still being made. If so, then that means they can be stolen. What say you?

    I said ban not take away from military or cops. It shouldn't be so easy to get a ak47. And using your theory we should unban drugs and murder huh because people still do it. Think about it.
  2. What gun laws will stop spree killings?

    I will just use TX law as an example. Kill any two people and it is a death penalty case. Kill any child under 10 years old and it is a death penalty case.

    It is a felony l for a person already convicted of a felony to purchase or possess a firearm anyway.

    Those laws are already here. A felon cannot even possess a firearm or I think under federal law, even the ammo without a firearm. To kill a single child in an elementary school is a likely death sentence.

    With it already being a felony to buy or possess firearms or ammo and likely getting the death sentence either by court or a self inflicted wound after a person has inflicted enough damage, what law will prevent such as attack?

    look I age with you on that but a ban on assault rifles would help.
  3. Lets just appoint a Czar and make him responsible for the safety of kids in school. Of course, we will need to make a budget for this program and lets start out at 2 billion dollars. (since it is the government running the program, that cost will double in a very short time) How are we going to pay for this well intended program?

    dude you do understand cops are already present in schools im just advocating for a few more
  4. then lets hire about 100,000 more 9-11 folks and promise them oversized pensions, free healthcare, etc etc etc just so you can never hear the words please hold. How will you pay for it? Don't tell me- raise taxes on the rich who arent paying their fair share

    just think on it
  5. What's YOUR solution?

    responsibility they had this document on kids who kill on the discovery ID channel it covered all kinds of school mass shootings. In every single case the kid used their parents guns.. I bring up kids because school shootings are mostly done by students.
  6. And there's the problem...too many folks depend on the fed gov for everything they need.

    And the fed gov has shut down several times...don't remember too much devastation occurring.

    You can't think what these politicians call a government shut down is a true government shutdown.
  7. but were does it stop if somebody makes a decision to mass kill they will. ..teachers packing or ...excuses the graphic but they'll just take out teacher first or Maybe wait till on school bus .. do we start arming school bus drivers lunch ladies etc also
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