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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Really?

    I am soon to wrap up my 31st year as a police officer including most of Reagan's term in office. What is this registration you speak of that apparently existed at one time without my knowledge but does not exist today?

    Thank you for your Service
  2. Haha but cnn have Republicans and Democrats and juan and beckel only co host the five cnn even msnbc have Republican and dems who host msnbc only one. So again how can a show who Clearly favors one side can be fair and balance fox and msnbc slogan should be "the side you Wanna hear"
  3. Defend your guy no matter what.........is that what it has come to....

    There are several issues that BUSH screwed up on when he was in office and I won't defend him because he's a rep.

    Can you say the same about your beloved "brother"????

    My beloved brother has had his share of mistakes and failures.. I didn't even vote for a second term..Damn sure ain't vote for Romney either. But I'll defend the president of this nation from the angry radical repeal everything no ideas having politicians.
  4. Pamfam10- You have repeatedly made mention of the Presidents skin color. Why is that?

    Nice try but 77 post clearly stated it be different if the president was white. So I asked the question.
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