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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. PAMFAM, do you miss points intentionally? I'll tell you what. You and I can go out and have a few beers and I'll bring a tape recorder. I'd bet the house that I can ruin your life. I think what Sterling said is unforgiveable. I also think he was set up. Why else was that conversation taped?

    After those beers loosen up that tongue, Twitter or Facebook would have a field day with you. I'd also be willing to bet that you would claim it was unfair of me to post what you said. I used to hit the bar scene and have witnessed many people say things they would never say sober.

    You can believe what you want but I will never ever come close to saying things that hurtful hate is not in my heart. I can crack jokes but drunk or not I'll never discriminate in that fashion.
  2. Have you ever made fun of or belittled a fat or ugly person? Please dont say you havent. This also is a type of insensitivity.

    Sterling made no joke a joke and a man views is totally different he wasn't joking about it.
  3. He said if you like your plan you could keep it period . Said you could keep your doctor thats 2 lies right there. Said he was gonna close gitmo #3 he said the killings in Benghazi were started by protest #4 two rouge IRS agents in Cincinnati #5 this can go on all night!

    please continue because 5 lies don't make you the biggest liar ever
  4. I just say I will feel more comfortable knowing a trained officer or personal who deal with guns for a living Around my child than my child math teacher. I can imagine the chaos wrongful use of weapon teacher/student argument ending with a weapon drawn too much on the teacher. imo a officer or security down each Hall should do the trick.
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