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Posts posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Baddog you arguing he has the right to say what he says .I agree you saying I should thank Nugent that's were I draw the line. Im grateful for men who fought to defend all human rights. Not those who uses it to belittle or dehumanize folks.
  2. Of course that's all you got from my post. What else is new?

    The biggest racist in history was Hitler. Thanks to people who think like Nugent, as opposed to the way Obama thinks, you didn't have to meet him. Believe me, you would not be here had Hitler won.

    Tell me again what role Nugent played in WWII I missed that in history...how do you no I wouldn't be here do you know my race
  3. Tvc, you're using logic and reason as tactics for debate. Isn't that a tad unfair? You won't get a response to your last post, and if you do, it will be from left field (pun intended).

    I've said this before but I will reiterate. The rights for everyone as Americans has been fought and died for countless times. People just don't seem to understand that. People with similar ideals as Nugent stood up to governments with their "fingers in the air" mentality. Britain, Germany twice, Italy, Japan, Russia (Bay of Pigs), China in Vietnam and Korea......people like PAMFAM just don't realize that had Hitler conquered the world, PAMFAM would not exist because there would be only one race. He should thank people like Nugent for his views, even though he is not in complete agreement with each and every word, at least thank him for having convictions and speaking his mind, not allowing himself to be ran roughshod so that PAMFAM has the right to speak his mind on here. What a concept.

    PAMFAM understand wrong is wrong why in hell would I thank ted Nugent for anything. He has the right to say what he's says okay, so...doesn't make him less of racist or less of a sexist.
  4. Not liking someone is racial?

    I know this is hard to figure out but you do have some truth in what you say. The Republicans need to distance themselves from Nugent because the voters in the liberal block can't seem to tell the difference between a guy that has never held any political office and is a rock star from an actual politician that represents the party.

    I wonder if the Democrats want to endorse the things that Rev. Wright or Kanye West have said about this country? I know they have never held officer but between them have said things at least if not more vile than Nugent.

    Have you ever seen kanye or Wright with a democratic campaigning
  5. Point is Nugent makes very racial prejudice immature statements...just because you speak your mind doesn't make you right smart republicans are distancing themselves away from the train wreck that is Nugent
  6. I clearly said I could care less about who agreed on it,it was a Lie. Im sure I can find people who believed in all kinds of things. A Lie is A Lie ESPECIALLY WHEN TENS OF THOUSANDS AMERICAN LIVES ARE AT STAKE
  7. If Ben Carson becomes much of a realistic potential candidate, he will "very suddenly" be "exposed" for having had an affair or killed a patient intentionally or have hired an illegal to mow his yard or clean his house, yada yada yada. This will come about shortly after he has been labeled an Uncle Tom. And of course, it was purely coincidental that Mr. Carson was audited( by the IRS) very shortly after his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast brought him his newfound notoriety. I just hope someone doesnt suggest that this audit was the result of a couple of Rogue IRS agents or a video was somehow involved.

    Ben will have big trouble I dont see him winning the white vote black vote or Hispanic vote
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