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  1. Y'all all sound like a bunch of women I hope they sell extra large tampons over there in HF. Grow up and let your kids be men and not women like all of you that are moaning for stupid reasons... Thank the lord my kid doesn't hang out with you guys.... If I wanted him to act like a woman I would send him with the volleyball team.
  2. Like I said before if parents would parent and let coaches coach and let players play then everyone would be ok. Parents only have problems when their kid isn't playing or being the star that they think They should be. I hope that the horns do better this week and I hope that all the idiocracy behind these post goes away.
  3. Navasota 35 coldspring 21
  4. Westbrook 35 Central 21
  5. The problem in Longhorn land is not the kids nor the coaches it is the parents that don't hold their kids accountable. Winning is a culture!!!! Any game is a winnable so for you to say that the only game HF can win is the HJ game goes to show how much you know about the sport... Football teams are different every week.
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