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Everything posted by highsky

  1. due to rain and other commitments, I was not able to attend the SQT. Even though I now know the results, I would be grateful if someone would post the scores that enabled them to advance. The only score/win I know is against 2nd Baptist to advance. I do not know any others... Please help.
  2. here is a nice article about Haynes, (courtesy of theoldcoach.com) it details his career pretty good... [Hidden Content]
  3. key word is former and it can't be an official deadlock if one of the board members was not there. There are ways around things like that. Generally, school boards are famous statewide for doing things their own way. I would not be surprised if that happens here. I agree with YardBird that school boards can set policy and I think that will happen in this case.
  4. Congratulations to Coach Slack and the best of luck to you, Coach Huddleston. This will be interesting to see how it plays out, however, the transition should be fairly easy since H-D is pretty much loaded.
  5. hey Swami, calm down a little bit. He meant that if you want background on Slack, talk to the athletes he currently coaches to see if he would translate to the program at H-D. They (the athletes) just happen to be at Hardin.
  6. Yes, the one from Crosby; I think he is a Hardin graduate.
  7. Not saying that BC coach was "pencil-whipping", I have competed against BC and have nothing but the utmost respect for them. The "pencil-whipping" thing was just a rant against coaches in general that do that. Did not mean to imply that of anyone in this district, again just a general rant because I know it happens. Sorry... :-\
  8. I agree that 25 first team all-district players is too much. When you count in the other players (2nd team and Hon. Mention), it sounds like every starter in the district was picked! In our district (24-2A) we picked 10 players for 1st team (6 infielders and 4 outfielders) same for 2nd team, etc. Stats are a part of the game and should accurately reflect a players abilities; they should be used to determine district picks because no one is going to have video showing why their player should be picked. However, the one problem I would have with stats is that "pencil-whipping" occurs a lot with coaches. By "pencil-whipping" I mean that coaches will fatten up the stat sheet with hits that should be errors or give a player a double when it was obvious that she advanced to 2B on a throw-in, etc. I remember one team that put up a player with an .800 batting average, but she didn't get a hit against us so that would have meant she pretty much got 1.000 batting average against everyone else. It can be kind of hard to believe a stat line like that. But I am not saying it isn't possible though... :
  9. I'll go with Hardin on this one as they will have Clements on the mound. They are well coached and should do well provided they play good defense (obviously).
  10. Congratulations are in order for Coach Duane Joubert and his staff. I know they worked hard for this!
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