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Everything posted by Jalee4

  1. This tryout has been cancelled!
  2. We are looking for 3 players to complete our 2015 roster. We will be holding a second tryout Saturday September 6, 2014 start time 11:00 at Vidor Youth Baseball Fields off of Old Hwy 90. For More information you can call 409-291-6562 or you can email [email protected] Please RSVP to 409-291-6562.
  3. Tryouts will be held on field D. Hope to see you there! :)
  4. bump
  5. Shockwaves 13u will be holding tryouts on August 9, 2014 at the College Street Complex in Beaumont. The first part will be from 10:00am - 12:00pm and the second half will start at 1:30pm. For more information please email [email protected]  
  6. Shockwaves are looking for one more baseball player. If interested in trying out please contact me through email @ [email protected] or you can call me @ 409-201-8039   Thank you Julie
  7. We are looking for a few dedicated and talented players to join our roster for the 2014 season. Select baseball experience is encouraged but not required. Parents should be dedicated to furthering the child's baseball skill level and experience. Tryouts will be held Sunday September 8, 2013 2:00pm at Vidor Youth Baseball fields off old Hwy 90 in Vidor, Tx If you need directions please call 409-291-6562 *Player must be 12 on or before April 30, 2014 *Players looking to play up are also welcome to tryout Head Coach Byron Lee If you plan on attending this tryout please send an email to [email protected] with the following information. Players Name DOB Previous team or teams Positions Contact Number For more information please email me Thanks!
  8. Shockwaves 12u select baseball is looking for a few dedicated and talented players to join our roster for the 2014 season. Select baseball experience is encouraged but not required. Parents should be dedicated to furthering the child's baseball skill level and experience. Tryouts will be held August 17, 2013, 5:30 at Vidor Youth Baseball Fields 2000 Old Hwy 90 Vidor, Texas ** Player must be 12 on or before April 30, 2014 Head Coach- Byron Lee For more information like us on facebook Shockwaves baseball 12u Select or you can email [email protected]
  9. Shockwaves 12u select baseball is looking for a few dedicated and talented players to join our roster for the 2014 season. Select baseball experience is encouraged but not required. Parents should be dedicated to furthering the child's baseball skill level and experience. Tryouts will be held August 17, 2013, 5:30 at Vidor Youth Baseball Fields 2000 Old Hwy 90 Vidor, Texas ** Player must be 12 on or before April 30, 2014 Head Coach- Byron Lee For more information like us on facebook Shockwaves baseball 12u Select or you can email [email protected]
  10. 11U Shockwave will be conducting their select team tryouts on Sunday, September 16, 2012 at Vidor Little League at 4:00 pm. We are looking for parents and children who are not only dedicated to baseball but to a rigorous practice and game schedule. Please contact Byron Lee (head coach) at 409-291-6562 or email at [email protected], for further questions or concerns. Thank you!
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