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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. you know what's funny? based on a lot of the statements he's making, I genuinely think it's hurting Trump's feelings.
  2. it absolutely can, and absolutely is. communism doesn't have anything to do with it. Trump's only requirement for an endorsement is that you go along with his stolen election claims (or that your opponent publicly disputed them). do that, and you can put his name on your signs. and all it takes is trump's name to get the republican nod in many cases, no matter how terrible a candidate it is. that's how you get a republican candidate losing to a stroke patient. of course, the excellent candidate that trump backed in that race was a TV doctor. there was a reason that democrats not-so-secretly donated money in many campaigns for the crappy politicians Trump endorsed... they knew they could beat them more easily that a decent candidate without a Trump endorsement.
  3. feels that way. mean tweets are back, but more unhinged and less coherent.
  4. I mean, yeah. Not sure why the right gets to get upset when the left slams their candidate. you know, the one who has spent 8 years slamming anyone and everyone who disagrees with him or denies his wildest claims.
  5. Trump has killed us here. he's meddled in races all over the country, and in several cases managed to get bad Trumper candidates into elections where they lose races republicans would traditionally win.
  6. If this happens, it gives Trump a slightly better chance, IMO. There were a lot of dems and moderates who wouldn't vote for Trump OR Biden who were going to vote for RFK. Many of those will now vote for Harris. Of the RFK supporters left, I would think a lot more would go right than left if RFK drops out, simply because most that would go left have already done so now that Dementia Joe is gone. Very few people care who RFK endorses, but if he's no longer an option on the ballot, I do think it's a bigger net gain for Trump. Enough to be relevant? Maybe in a few races that are going to be decided by tenths of a % point.
  7. you're not wrong, but Trump's staunch supporters aren't really any different.
  8. I agree with most of what you're saying. knowing what will happen and stopping it from happening are two different things, unfortunately.
  9. one good thing is that the average democrat has trended back to center these last few years. even the left is getting tired of the woke, cancel culture antics. that's good news considering the left is probably going to control just about everything here pretty soon. the right has all the insults and criticism in the world for the left, but they're not stupid, though. they've figured out that moderation wins elections, and are adjusting attitudes, candidates, and policy to better attract voters. maybe republicans will figure that out at some point as well. everyone on the right is getting bent out of shape because harris has changed her stances on a lot of things. There's no real surprise that criticism over this strategy is coming from the side who's gone with the "this is what we're doing, deal with it" approach for the last 2 elections, with minimal success. Trump supporters have been outraged when anyone has suggested he make some changes to increase his odds of being elected. Now Harris has done just that and they're outraged that she's quickly gaining support. it's one of the dumber things i've seen in a long line of dumb things that have come out of the right in recent years.
  10. this year they're in possibly the worst district in the state. maybe some district down near the mexican border is worse. which is not any fault of Lumberton, but I'm just hoping there isn't too much overreaction when they compete for a district championship this year.
  11. man, I hate to hear this. I looked her up on fb because the name seemed familiar, and saw y'all were friends. I had no idea y'all were that close. What an awful deal. I hope they figure out who did this.
  12. doesn't really sound like Reyes ever had the backing to begin with based on several of the posts i'm seeing here. which is a shame, as he did a pretty good job over there, despite not doing things how the parents wanted them done.
  13. that's what makes it so special when a coach gets the full backing of his community. Surratt doesn't have to deal with this, guaranteed. And if one parent makes waves, the rest of the community backs the coach. Pretty rare these days. Although to be fair, coach treatment of players often went too far the other way back in the day.
  14. could be. not sure what he was thinking letting his wife go. Gotta assume she's the one that turned him in.
  15. I know they lost a couple of the best skills players they've had in a long time... I don't follow lumberton enough to make a super educated statement on this, but their QB that graduated has to be amongst the best to have ever gone through there.
  16. [Hidden Content] opposite of the one I just posted. Happened in bmt, but dumped elsewhere
  17. [Hidden Content]# wild. Started in Houston, but they dumped him in vidor
  18. Not down, realistic. They’re better than they used to be, but lost some important pieces. They may struggle before district, but the district itself is real bad. I get it that west Brook went 0-10 and Nederland 4-7, but playing up is always tough. I’m thinking 5-5 or 6-4 on the season, and a shot of making it to the second round assuming they finish 1st or 2nd in district. Maybe they win one of the first 3 and have a shot at 7-3. I think it’ll be a decent year for them. Probably not as good as the last couple of years, but better than they’ve historically been. And I did mention that there’s been a change in mentality out that way.
  19. Trump is (correctly) criticized by the left for misleading statements and lies. Not sure why it doesn’t work the other way, especially since a lot of his lies were used to get into office to begin with
  20. I don't see them being great. Lost some really good players, a fantastic QB, a great RB, and at least 23 seniors, if Maxpreps is correct. They really weren't much better than decent last year, but had the advantage of playing in a really bad district. The thing is, they're playing in a bad district again, so they can be okay and have a decent season. I don't disagree with raidergirl that there's been a change in attitude over there. used to be that even in this district the raiders would be one of the teams getting beat up on. I expect them to most likely go 0-3 before district, but could easily go 6-1 or 5-2 in district. y'all just don't overreact if they start cranking off district wins. BC, HH, HJ, Liberty, and Livingston combined for 8 wins total last year.
  21. Man, I reaaaaally don't think she's losing. Maybe some of her polling numbers got a little inflated with the buzz around her getting the nod, and will drop a little. But the Donald appears to be getting desperate. One of the things I'd noticed was that a few months back he seemed to be calming down a little, not making as many outlandish statements, tamping down on the insults. It was working for him, too. But now he feels it slipping away, and he's doing and saying crazy stuff again. It may get his disciples fired up, but it's not gonna help him with the votes he's going to need to win. I guess we'll see. Your guy on X is right about one thing: she's a weak candidate. My prediction is that Harris wins this election, does a poor to mediocre job, and the next election the republicans take the white house back, IF we nominate anyone halfway electable. So help me, if Trump loses again and these dipsticks spend four years whining about stolen elections and then nominate him again for 2028, i'm done with the party. This year should've been the easiest republican win since Reagan in 84, but we found a way to possibly screw it up.
  22. what stopped them from playing PNG again this year? was looking forward to that one, but still am glad to see PNG play shadow creek early.
  23. Honestly, I think one thing the left has been doing better than the right the last several years is adjusting to their voters. There was a push there for awhile to go ultraleft, but now many on the left are revolting against it, and the dems have made a lot of moves to get back a little more central. We'll see, but the left, as nuts as a lot of them are, have been a lot better at reading the room lately than the right (which is why we're in this situation).
  24. Don't really follow them, but surprised to see that about Foster. they were dang good for several years not too long ago. 3+ rounds deep every year for awhile.
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