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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. Texas' youth may explain why they are always pumped up and ready for the big games, but sometimes overlook teams they should beat.
  2. I enjoyed reading about the rivalries. I especially enjoyed reading about Marshall/Longview, as i went to college in Marshall and went to a couple of these games. Those games were nuts!
  3. Very impressive that Thomas was good enough to be nominated in both categories.
  4. Wow! Sounded like a great game! Congrats hawks!
  5. Two weeks ago I might not have argued with you, but now i've got to disagree with, with their 5 point lead in the prem dwindling to one. They've got too much on their plate, and they're going to keep drawing and losing games in the premiership, and MAN U is going to catch them.
  6. Not the most impressive win, but to Texas' credit, Nebraska has been playing pretty decent basketball lately.
  7. Goo! This is a bit surprising considering how close the first meeting was.
  8. What he was saying is that he couldn't figure out why the linesman raised his flag, and then he figured that the linesman had lost sight of the sweeper. If you don't see the sweeper on the goal line, then the player looks offsides when he receives the ball. The linesman may not have seen him at first, gone to flag the offsides, and then realized that he wasn't and lowered his flag. That was all that was said. He was not insinuating that this goal should've been disallowed for offsides.
  9. But he coached little dribblers one year! ;D
  10. Man, this one still stings. I can't say enough about how well Silsbee stepped it up today. Good luck to you guys... bring the state championship back to district 21-3A. If HJ can't have a championship, it will be a small consolation for them to say they split a four game series with the eventual state champions.
  11. I hear you... of course, when you figure that the comments on the last 2 pages of this thread span over two months, it's easy to see why he was confused. Sorry about that Bullets absolutely no worries whatsoever. ;D
  12. sounds like K-state is at least making it interesting.
  13. I hear you... of course, when you figure that the comments on the last 2 pages of this thread span over two months, it's easy to see why he was confused.
  14. HJ lost. Texas lost. If LU can win this one it will at least bring A LITTLE sunshine back into my bleak life .
  15. Then why post something that you heard...that someone else said... all it is going to do is stir the Tiger faithful up. I was mistaken, it wasn't even about that game. It was about the Lufkin Hudson game. I made that post over two months ago. This thread was just brought back up today. I wasn't saying anything about ANY silsbee game, much less the one today.
  16. wait a second... you're saying i said something about the refs having a hand in it today? or someone else did. i didn't say anything about the refs. This thread was started before Silsbee/HJ played the 2nd time. My quote about the referees was about the game @ Lufkin Hudson where we got screwed. It was made on December 18th.
  17. JD Lewis had a shot to tie it, and he's usually money, but you could tell he's not used to taking the big shot. Texas loses by 3.
  18. They fouled Augustin, 5 seconds left
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