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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. In response to West Brook being ranked higher than Nederland, that's a toss-up to me. Being in different classifications, it's tough enough to put them in the same poll... west brook would beat nederland heads up, IMO, but it's kind of like comparing apples to oranges. you have the heads of two different classes, so i just put the undefeated one on top. if someone came out with a different poll and put WB on top, i wouldn't blink. Also, in response to wrcom, i put PNG at 3 because i felt that their losses were more impressive than some of the other teams wins. i stated before that 3-5 could flipflop around pretty easily also, feel free to cut and paste and change it up to show how you feel it should be.
  2. i'm not going to rank ya'll higher based on what ya'll did last year. i know ya'll are better than your record indicates, but i tried to be fair. no way do i rank you above undefeated nederland or the brook, or lumberton, who beat you and is undefeated. PNG, Central, PAM could all be swapped around there, and maybe lumberton moved up, but i can't justify putting dayton in the top five with a 2-3 record, and no district wins against the top half of the district. that being said, there is NO doubt in my mind that dayton will be competitive the rest of the year, and is capable of beating any team in the district on any friday. if ya'll knock off some of the teams ahead of you, you'll certainly go up in my opinion, and keep in mind this is only my opinion. there were a lot of complaints about the SETX rankings, so i simply created my own. how do you see it (and please justify your response). I'll respect any educated opinion.
  3. Big School (5A-4A) 1. Nederland 2. West Brook 3. PNG 4. Memorial 5. Central 6. Lumberton 7. Dayton 8. Barbers Hill 9. LC-M 10.Ozen Small School (3A-Privates) 1. WO-S 2. East Chambers 3. Newton 4. Kelly 5. Kirbyville 6. Buna 7. Silsbee 8. Hardin 9. Hamshire Fannett 10.Jasper 11.Woodville 12.Kountze 13.Deweyville 14.Liberty 15.Evadale just a thought... feel free to suggest changes.
  4. he never had any. he's making ridiculous statements all over the site.
  5. undefeated at this point means nothing if the quality of opponents isn't there. sometimes a 7 point loss can be more impressive than a 40 point win.
  6. he's cocky for a reason. the point of this forum is not to talk badly of individual players. you seem to be full of opinions, but you're ignoring the facts... HJ is bringing back a lot of quality players. they lost ryan, but they've got people ready to step up and fill his shoes (as much as anyone could hope to). They're the DEFENDING STATE CHAMPIONS. anyone who counts them out before a game is played is out of their mind. Silsbee may beat HJ this year, but to guarantee it now is ignorant. why don't you wait to see a game before you spout off about how slow and terrible HJ is. you might be surprised.
  7. i'm tired of seeing kids with the whole world in front of them throwing it away for an easy buck.
  8. yup, i don't see the commitment to the school... one year and run. granted, i don't blame him for leaving, but i don't think he deserves to have his jersey retired. there's more to getting your jersey retired than just being a good player. i think commitment to your team and school, and also what you've done for that school should play a role. what did durant do? he had a great season, gave us all hope that he would return, and then took the money and ran.
  9. this is almost an impossible question to answer. every school/school district has different expectations out of a head coach. some coaches may have to win district every year, while some may only be expected to treat the kids right and sneak out a few wins. There is no particular standard that every coach/AD is held to... like titan said, the community will let you know when it's time.
  10. why are the two star running backs still in the game with a 42 point lead? i don't know about the backup situation, but it seems like a waste to have a star running back hurt late in the fourth quarter with that big of a lead.
  11. i know it might feel that way, but i didn't hear anyone say "if ya'll beat vidor, we'll believe in you." i said it in another post... that game was bad timing. Everyone knows lumberton is much improved, but IMO most people are waiting to see the central game to decide just how good lumberton really is.
  12. one obvious answer to this is that central has experience, and a history of making the playoffs... on the flipside, lumberton's got serious momentum and a lot of confidence right now.
  13. at first glance i would consider soriano as well, but they showed his stats for the year tonight, and he was pretty bad with RISP
  14. the thread says who has the best chance, not who will win. i think WOS has the best chance... they have some major obstacles, but they are the team with the best chance in SETX.
  15. Huh? would anyone have predicted this? not me! should be an interesting series... i'm curious to see if ANYONE can beat the rockies.
  16. this makes no sense. the team in first lost to a team that is upper middle of the pack, and their only win is against a team that will struggle to finish higher than 6th. nederland beat the weakest team and a team that could make the playoffs, and lumberton beat the defending district champion and the weakest team... i have a problem with a scale that puts a team with no quality wins and a pretty bad loss (at least in years past) ahead of several undefeateds.
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