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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. HJ scores late, goes for two and makes it to win 8-7. HJ fans then spend the next week absolutely positive that they will when district. 400 threads are started, all non-HJ fans are labeled haters, and lumberton is briefly forgotten.
  2. CUBS LOSE! CUBS LOSE! If you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself? I know i would!
  3. most of the year, they were only ok... now they've won like 15 out 16. they might not slow down until they've won a WS.
  4. Silsbee 42-13 BC is starting to move some on offense, but they're in trouble this week. Silsbee will squash the run, and being able to key on the pass, they'll pick breaux like a tomato. He's interception-prone already, with 12 already on the year.
  5. if they can go the rest of the way and only lose won more game, then they will. they are capable, but they're gonna really have to step up.
  6. i agree that coaching is important, but a weak team with a great coach is generally going to get beaten by a strong team with any coach. that being said, in a game with even or close to even talent levels, coaching will make all the difference.
  7. the only thing i can see getting in there way would be... not being able to make the playoffs in the district they're in.
  8. Plus, they have three really unimpressive wins from before district. what's that, they played 4a schools? what? some of them were even good? i don't believe it.
  9. I'm really tired of the "we beat one pretty good injury-plagued 4a team by 1 point so you should also respect our other three wins against weak 3a teams." Yes, we were surprised that you beat dayton, even with the injuries. Yes, it's true, most of us outside lumberton still do not think ya'll will make the playoffs. Yes, it's also true that while we're happy for your big win, we don't think it's quite as impressive as you do. As district goes on, Lumberton will have a chance to prove that it is worthy of respect. Ya'll are getting more than you were, but ya'll really haven't done much yet. One respectable win, three easy wins, and some of you are clamoring for a district championship. Yes, it is good that ya'll are only allowing 5 points a game. It'd be more impressive if ya'll were a 3a school, since that's who ya'll been playing. What do you think the other schools in the district would have done with your schedule? Not all 4-0's are the same, and the sooner some of you realize that, the sooner you can stop getting your feelings hurt everytime someone rains on your parade.
  10. If they can get best central, they have a decent shot of going into playoffs without a loss. there are several teams in district that will give them good games though.
  11. The only reason people keep reminding lumberton fans of this is because every since the win many (not all) of lumberton's fans keep spouting off about how great a win this is (which is ok), but they're using it to predict district championships and 7-0 district seasons, and all sorts of crazy predictions... it's the same thing as in the NFL. People who are predicting that the cowboys are going all the way need to be reminded that the teams they've beaten have a combined 3 wins between them. It's not that the cowboys don't have a good team, it's just that they are quite as proven yet as some fans would like to think they are.
  12. if all those teams have to use a backup quarterback like dayton, i suppose they might win em all.
  13. i think that vidor over lumberton would be the biggest surprise. It will be interesting to see how this game turns out. Another win over a district opponent (even a weak one) will begin to give lumberton some more credibility. Vidor should be pumped up for this game, because if you look at the past, in the minds of most teams, lumberton is still very beatable.
  14. it also helps to have good programs for the younger kids coming up.
  15. i've been saying durant should've been the first pick since the draft. he's nba ready. oden was just big. now, he's a big bust. i'm sure he'll be a solid player someday, but durant has star power now.
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