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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. If they can get best central, they have a decent shot of going into playoffs without a loss. there are several teams in district that will give them good games though.
  2. The only reason people keep reminding lumberton fans of this is because every since the win many (not all) of lumberton's fans keep spouting off about how great a win this is (which is ok), but they're using it to predict district championships and 7-0 district seasons, and all sorts of crazy predictions... it's the same thing as in the NFL. People who are predicting that the cowboys are going all the way need to be reminded that the teams they've beaten have a combined 3 wins between them. It's not that the cowboys don't have a good team, it's just that they are quite as proven yet as some fans would like to think they are.
  3. if all those teams have to use a backup quarterback like dayton, i suppose they might win em all.
  4. i think that vidor over lumberton would be the biggest surprise. It will be interesting to see how this game turns out. Another win over a district opponent (even a weak one) will begin to give lumberton some more credibility. Vidor should be pumped up for this game, because if you look at the past, in the minds of most teams, lumberton is still very beatable.
  5. it also helps to have good programs for the younger kids coming up.
  6. i've been saying durant should've been the first pick since the draft. he's nba ready. oden was just big. now, he's a big bust. i'm sure he'll be a solid player someday, but durant has star power now.
  7. haha... can someone get the MVP if they were Most Valuable for the opponents?
  8. In an ironic twist, for lumberton to have a decent chance at playoffs, they need dayton to be weaker this year (thus making lumberton's win less impressive). They need dayton to lose to central and nederland, at least, or it will probably be crowded at the top with dayton, central and nederland all something like 6-1 or 5-2. Of course, lumberton could just beat everyone else and win district (i don't believe this will happen, but i'm not trying to be sarcastic).
  9. so HJ lost key players, Silsbee lost key players. HJ's returning players are better than they were last year, and so are Silsbee's. How does this translate into Silsbee pounding HJ?
  10. bartman's probably an arizona fan now.
  11. There are two games left that lumberton should win, and two more that lumberton could win. The other two games, lumberton shouldn't win, but they've shown they are capable of an upset. I'm leaning towards 2 more wins, for a 3-4 record. It's really tough to tell this early, after only one district game, and things could certainly change, but this is my guess that I'll stick by.
  12. Everybody's got a different opinion about Lumberton. Here's a chance for everybody to make a prediction that we can hold them to. If lumberton keeps tearing it up, we can go back to this post and show up the lumberton-haters. if lumberton falls off, we can go back to this post and show up the lumberton-lovers. Everybody's been making noise in all the threads, so i want something solid i can go back to and look at when district is over. You all have your opinions, so answer this: how many more games will lumberton win in district?
  13. rooting for the phils, but it should be an amazing series as hot as both teams are.
  14. I actually like every team in the NL playoffs. I promised my buddy i'd root for his cubbies though.
  15. the only way i'm happy is if they both lose... can you make it happen COOP?
  16. lumberton should win, but i really don't want to predict this game... one team is on a high from a big one, the other team is in a rut. they both have something to prove. i'll say lumberton wins 23-16
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