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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. i think by 2010 we should have a team capable of making it to the quarters or semis, if we can avoid playing a top 3 team before that point. that being said, we could always crap out like we did last year, especially if we continue to get the "quality" officiating that we've gotten over the past year or so.
  2. if silsbee's players come into this series as cocky as some of their fans, HJ will wipe the floor with them.
  3. i'm ok with ching or johnson, as long as they're up top with either donovan or dempsey. our defense, midfield, and goalkeeping has steadily gotten better, but our forwards aren't advancing as quickly. it seems like when both donovan and dempsey are either in the midfield or out of the game that our attack goes stagnant.
  4. i'm definitely more anti-ching than anti-johnson.
  5. it looked like it might have come off the arm, but he had his arms tucked across his chest, so it wasn't exactly a maradona.
  6. guys, i'm not trying to upset anyone. i am happy for davy. i just don't think that he's is in the top 4 (or 5 or 6 or 7) forwards or midfielders that the United States has to offer. I'm proud to have a great player from our area that is doing well. he's been a very good pro player who's putting together a solid career. in his post, i believe shark alluded to me being close minded. i'm not a huge eddie johnson fan, but to me close-minded would be being anti-eddie for the national team (14 g, 4 a in 18 MLS games), but being pro-davy (4 g, 6 a in 23 MLS games) just because he's a hometown boy. i am not trying to get a rise out of anyone, i was just discussing how i felt. if i had made that post anywhere besides this site, nobody would have even blinked at what i said(except maybe kansas city).
  7. can we move the WO-S game to the final game of the season? i couldn't help but notice that the effects of that game lasted the rest of the season last year.
  8. i'm pretty sure i'm going to be getting some playing time for the lakers next year. kobe demanded that i be added to the team or else he was leaving.
  9. this is 3A, so not every team is going to have some 6'9'' bruiser thats going to kill them down low. that being said, i think that having several players with state championship experience returning will go a long way in making up some slight size disadvantages (if in fact there is one)
  10. i do know this... i graduated in 2001, and in 2003 went back to watch a game. the ref, who had officiated me dozens of times during my high school career, was surprised when he saw me in street clothes, and asked why i wasn't playing. it would have been pretty easy to cheat, had i and the coach wanted to. i also know when we played some houston schools in tourneys there were foreign born players who looked like they might be 30. i think this would be a good idea, because it wouldn't affect the game in a negative way. it would, however, ensure fairness in competition.
  11. i haven't really paid attention, but i'd assume that the schools with good soccer programs have the best kickers. nederland, pn-g, and lumberton ought to be pretty good.
  12. i was really impressed with the US today. without a tough own goal, and an obvious blown call that would've given us a penalty kick, this could've been a very different game. brazil obviously had more individual talent, and played a prettier game, but on the whole, the US was very competitive. it's not a stretch to say that they probably deserved a better result (3-3 tie, maybe). and also, congrats to arnaud. i don't know that he should be getting USNT opportunities, but i will say that in the few minutes he was in he did well.
  13. i voted for HJ. you didn't say anything about when they lost it. HJ lost a ton of quality players between 99-01, and hasn't recovered since.
  14. well, i hope they make some noise this year. i always try to pull for my hawks.
  15. i'm a little out of the loop here... is anuhuac still not very good? if they are as weak as they were when i was playing a few years ago, this really isn't a good result for HJ.
  16. but if you did live in that situation, would you be ok with being forced to hear the prayer? i personally would have no problem with it, even as a Christian. that being said, many Christians feel everyone should accomadate their faith, while at the same time disrespecting the rights of other faiths. prayer has a place in schools. silent prayer is an option to all students. also, students can gather as a group and pray. this is enough. if prayer is to be voiced, then all faiths in attendance should be addressed. schools down here are just lucky that there is very little diversity. if other faiths were more prevelant here, some schools would surely be facing lawsuits.
  17. if the muslim faith was in a majority would you want mandatory muslim prayers nationwide?
  18. alright, the turd fergusons are in business. you guys have a week's head start on me, but i'm still expecting to finish at least 6th . good luck, folks.
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