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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. i haven't really paid attention, but i'd assume that the schools with good soccer programs have the best kickers. nederland, pn-g, and lumberton ought to be pretty good.
  2. i was really impressed with the US today. without a tough own goal, and an obvious blown call that would've given us a penalty kick, this could've been a very different game. brazil obviously had more individual talent, and played a prettier game, but on the whole, the US was very competitive. it's not a stretch to say that they probably deserved a better result (3-3 tie, maybe). and also, congrats to arnaud. i don't know that he should be getting USNT opportunities, but i will say that in the few minutes he was in he did well.
  3. i voted for HJ. you didn't say anything about when they lost it. HJ lost a ton of quality players between 99-01, and hasn't recovered since.
  4. well, i hope they make some noise this year. i always try to pull for my hawks.
  5. i'm a little out of the loop here... is anuhuac still not very good? if they are as weak as they were when i was playing a few years ago, this really isn't a good result for HJ.
  6. but if you did live in that situation, would you be ok with being forced to hear the prayer? i personally would have no problem with it, even as a Christian. that being said, many Christians feel everyone should accomadate their faith, while at the same time disrespecting the rights of other faiths. prayer has a place in schools. silent prayer is an option to all students. also, students can gather as a group and pray. this is enough. if prayer is to be voiced, then all faiths in attendance should be addressed. schools down here are just lucky that there is very little diversity. if other faiths were more prevelant here, some schools would surely be facing lawsuits.
  7. if the muslim faith was in a majority would you want mandatory muslim prayers nationwide?
  8. alright, the turd fergusons are in business. you guys have a week's head start on me, but i'm still expecting to finish at least 6th . good luck, folks.
  9. no, HJ won't repeat. they might win district, but they could also lose 3 or 4 games in district. they'll be very solid, but losing one of the best players in the state is going to hurt too much. there will be good players to replace ryan, but not someone to take over games like he did. without him last year, they wouldn't have come close to the state finals. i say the same goes for next year.
  10. I was at HJ in 2001, and we started out 8-0. we had a bunch of injuries and ended up losing our last 3. the first two games we lost by a total of 4 points, but then BC spanked us in our first playoff game 35-7. i know by the standards that HJ is setting these days(WO-S this past year), that's not a real bad loss, but it was the worst loss i experienced while i played there. on the flipside, we did beat anahuac 69-0 that year.
  11. this game didn't really pan out how i expected. i expected LA to get badly outplayed (they pretty much did), but i figured chelsea would put in 3 or 4. that being said, chelsea didn't have too many clearcut chances, while LA SHOULD have scored two headers. I mean, i know i could have finished the one that martino missed, and the one donovan missed was a virtual tap in for anyone over 5'4'' tall. still, kudos to LA for a decent effort and an excellent result.
  12. our all-star team should win. you take the best XI from a whole league, they ought to beat the premiere team from a slightly above average league. that being said, i still think it's a push.
  13. so i wrote mlsnet.com a lengthy email detailing the problems with fantasy soccer this year, so if you notice a big change, you can thank me
  14. [Hidden Content] here you go. i don't necessarily agree with all 50, but i did have to change my pants three or four times.
  15. we've been talking about our favorite players, so why not our favorite goals? i'm partial to henry's flick-turn-side-volley from 30, but i'd also like to mention roberto carlos' freekick with the outside of the boot. what's your favorite goal?
  16. well, to our credit, we were playing our "C" team in the copa. if the U-20 wc wasn't going on, it would have been nice to see some of the younger guys get some first team experience.
  17. agoos is the best! i remember the goal he scored in the 2002 world cup... what? that was an own goal? well, it was still one of the best volleys i've ever seen. all jokes aside, i think thierry is probably my favorite player. he has scored some rediculous goals, and made them look easy. i still have wet underwear from the volley he scored on barthez where he flicked the ball while facing away from the goal, turned and side-volleyed all in one motion, and left the goalie planted from 30 out.
  18. i'm back! fat kid is back from vacationville, and ready to climb back into umm.... let's say 5th place.
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