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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. that guy from ohio state a few years ago who punted a ball from his 10 yard line and landed it on his opponents' 20, and had it roll down to the 3 yard line. i wish i could remember the specifics. also, i went to college with a kid who routinely flew the ball 60 yards in the air, and was the only d3 player invited to the hula bowl in 2004.
  2. i have my first good week in forever and get swamped by everyone who had angel or eddie. well, next week i'll have them both. and they'll not score.
  3. because soccer is an inferior sport in the eyes of the media. women's golf gets more coverage than soccer.
  4. back to third, and finally have my team how i want it... what's that? chris rolfe's hurt? sweet.
  5. i'm gonna come back, unless i don't
  6. i've dropped in the standings, but... i've totally revamped my team* *this just means that i'm going to pull a shark and all of the people i dropped will score.
  7. speaking of booches, this booch is back in first after tonight. i had a defender score and get shutout points, and my forward had an assist. you're all going down... until saturday.
  8. who gets the say in the nomination of the supergold SETXsports comment team. what stats will decide who gets chosen? will the number of posts be considered? what about karma points? will posting in a variety of sports help you get the nod, or will the team just be chosen by some nimwit picking from the names he likes the best (and of course he'd pick the people who don't use words that are too big for him to understand)
  9. it's a biotch, only with a pg rating instead of pg-13.
  10. mwuhahahaha... bwuhahaha. eh, cough. couldn't believe it myself when i looked this morning.
  11. i got a goal from dorman, my only player in the game. almost picked up twellman, but i just don't want someone on my team that makes the ladies swoon even though he looks like he's 12.
  12. i really wanted to add some inappropriate comment here.
  13. i want bon mot on my team. why can't i find him listed in the players?!?! doesn't he play for chivas?
  14. shark, i'm gonna have to switch my captain if he's gonna keep scoring goals so that i can keep up with you.
  15. it's kind of a loophole that works itself out in the long run. unless you're sneaky and keep switching up to get double stats. hey, i gotta go do that.
  16. after the dynamo game, thanks to a well-timed red card, i've dropped in the standings. yes! i'm not sure if i like the new setup for mls fantasy this year. i do like the lower scoring totals, but i enjoyed it in the past when players were rewarded for shots on goal. in the new system, players that have a good game but don't score or have an assist will only get points based on the minutes they played.
  17. i guess i better enjoy second place while it lasts.
  18. this is a tricky question. if you get on base on a fielder's choice, then you really haven't done anything but traded baserunners and made an out. however, if you've walked, reached on an error, or have had a hit, then you have gained a baserunner and maybe a run. your OBP is very important, but your batting average is going to reflect your hits, which will have always resulted in a positive for your team, where your OBP occasionally reflects something that may have actually been a negative for your team. short story long, i think that both of these stats are important, and it's tough to rank one over the other.
  19. good luck, but be aware that i will trade my starters for players with broken legs and torn acl's just to achieve my dream.
  20. i'm just going to let it be known that i fully intend to lose this thing.
  21. the thumbs down icon seems a little harsh.
  22. you're right, my bad... i take it back ;D. the topic says "who's going to be in the best shape next year?", but the first comment asks who's going to be in the worst shape.
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