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Everything posted by MrsT12

  1. Post this over on High school softball and you'll get tons of opinions (maybe some you don't want!)
  2. Is it true that varsity starts at 5:00 tonight? Should be quite a match!
  3. Varsity makes it look easy. They even have fun doing it!
  4. I was at the PNG game. The SCRUBS cheered the WHOLE time. They have props and noise makers. Y'all are doing a great job. I'm sure the team appreciates it. Now ndn09, there is difference in school spirit, pride....and arrogance. By the way your school is not perfect either. Your cheerleaders are the first squad all season to refuse to come around and meet the opposing fans. Not the best sportsmanship. I'm sure there is some good reason but it just didn't look very good on their part. We all like to mouth but be careful when your mouthing starts to look bad for your school. I'm sure they would rather you state your NDN pride in a positive way. We are so glad you scored your FIRST points of the season---good luck from here on out.
  5. I'm there in heart and spirit! I can't be everywhere....
  6. Congrates Tigers! Just saw you on the news. Know you fought for every point! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. I have to agree----and add the turn-overs and the number of injuries (both ways) But district is yet to come and a tough test this week with Newton.
  8. Just had to tell you ---I thought the "OFF"ense sign was quite clever. Keep it up SCRUBS!!!! ;D Go Tigers!
  9. Prayers from Silsbee----so sad.
  10. Wow! That was awesome.
  11. # 86 appears to be Chris Roundtree (junior)
  12. You can say a lot of things about the people on here but I don't think you can call them insincere. There is a difference in liking softball and being a student of the game. I like softball (don't tell my husband I said that out loud--I like to pretend it's just a thorn in my side) but my husband is a student of the game. He is constantly reading, observing, and talking softball (not just bs but strategy). He is serious but due to extreme love of the game. He is not the only one. This site is fun. Sometimes the fun is taken too far. Is every comment on here intended for every person? I don't understand all the comments you and your friends make BAG. Every group has talked around other groups. Did you understand the comments about T12 making line-ups? No because it was an inside joke. You had to be part of the HS team to get it. Do I get all your Crush jokes? No because I am no longer part of that team. Do I get some of them? Yes, because I saw the umpire catcher and the pink shorts. I'm not sure what you feel like you are being left out of, but some of your collegues took advantage of a little exposure today. It was not as much as we would have liked but they were there and welcome. I'm not sure who you are accusing of playing mind games but most anyone on here will tell exactly what they are thinking most of the time, all you have to do is ask.
  13. Prayers from Silsbee. Heck of a lesson to learn--thank God for second chances.
  14. Found this in the UIL archives. They have listing for every sport-boys and girls. National Federation Records Girls Records - Individual State Championships - #1 Singles Titles - Four Time Winners Brenda Cook, Junction, 1959-62 Pam Hill, Beaumont South Park, 1975-78 Stephanie Letz, Old Glory, 1964-67 Kori Sosnowy, Cameron Yoe, 1991-94 South Park most have been something back in the 70's. They always hosted a tournament when I was in school.
  15. Aren't you like in Alaska? No picking on us---my house still has things to be done from last time. You have room for us up there?
  16. Nope! But he's rid of me for a while --I'm afarid. Unless Blondie surprises me and you never know about her.
  17. Yeah---tell us about it! We can't get rid of him!!! ;D
  18. It goes by the name of McGallion I believe. Congrates Daniel! That's awesome! You've worked hard for it----enjoy it!
  19. OK--fine let's lay it out. We have been on teams where players who had other "commitments" had agreements with the coach to miss softball. They never came to practice. They missed multiple tournaments. We never had the same team two tournaments in a row. Does a team improve that way? Plus the kids that were there every practice and tournament shared time with these girls. It wasn't just other sports it was anything or any reason. Sometimes we had a new team each day of the tournament. My child always wondered why she had to share time with those people. She wanted to play. She never questioned anyone but me and I never questioned the coach. Not my place----his team. He made the agreement with those girls.
  20. Yes, multitasking is important. But so are choices! I had to choose a major in college. I had to choose where to live. I had to choose if I was going to allow my children to have activities or whether I would continue my own hobbies. Sacrifice is part of life. Do you get to do everything you want to do just because you want to do it? No. My question was, are we setting them up to think that they can do everything they WANT to do with no consequences? As adults we know that everyday is about choices. The job we do is determined by the time invested. If I am pulled in a thousand direction do I do the same job I would if I am focused? Can one activity improve another? Sometimes! But should others suffer because you are over extended?
  21. I was one of those kids that did it all. I danced (drill team), played tennis, basketball and volleyball. I was in every club I was eligible for and in the choir. I was very involved at church too. My grades weren't top 10 but not far out. I did it all. It was lots of fun and lots of work. I was never great at any of them because I was pulled in a million directions. BUT as an adult (you know that time of life that all these girls will face soon) I was amazed to discover that I couldn't do it all. I had to learn the word NO. I didn't know it. I very seldom had to make a choice of one thing over the other. I just did everything. Finding out that adults have to make choices and pick their activities based on jobs, education, and their children and other commitments was news to me. Teaching our children about real commitment and choices is a lesson that will go a long way. Yes, I think they should be kids as long as possible but are we hurting them or helping them by telling them they can do it all? I love high school sports--season ticket holder for the past 19 years. It's a great thing. But we all have to draw a line somewhere.
  22. And from Silsbee
  23. What ever happened to Candy McParland from LCM? She was a great singles player back in the 80's. She was always our state rep. from this area. I don't know where or if she played college. We went to watch her play in Austin our senior year. We had seen her beat us enough. She left us at regionals. I don't know if she would be considered one of the top 5 but she was #1 when we were in school.
  24. I'm afraid they may have a hard time finding another place to play. Most fields are at schools or school property. Maybe they could work a deal with Lamar. If I recall correctly they used to serve beer at games (yes, I can remember that far back and attended a few games). And other than HS there are no games being played there.
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