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Everything posted by BHBLUE

  1. Very impressive! You must be hanging out with a better class of umpire lately. ;D I don't know about 4 outs in an inning, but I once saw 3 stolen bases on one play before. ;D
  2. I wasn't going to, but since your back, I just signed up to do a couple of Westbrook games when they come out west. WB always travels well.
  3. I refer to those gentlemen as the "roosters". They stand on the fence and crow. While they can be loud, they aren't near as dangerous as the "hens" sitting along the backstop.
  4. I would be surprised if ASA rosters were required at the RM since it is not considered "Championship Play" and doesn't qualify teams to go anywhere. I any case, I think ASA rosters run from January to January, so it shouldn't be a problem.
  5. Not sure what/who LS is. Question. Do umpire "wanna bees" wear black and yellow uniforms? ???
  6. Should I be offended? Okay, now I'm offended. ;D
  7. Games scheduled before 9:00 AM Games scheduled after 10:00 PM The phrase "1:15 time limit, no new inning after 1:10". After all these years, I still can't figure that one out. It never fails to cause some headaches. Back when my daughter played it, I hated pool games. Now, not so much. Drop-dead time limits are a beautiful thing. ;D
  8. Dang.....I take that personal for some reason! Present company excluded, of course.
  9. 1. Coaches. 2. Pitchers' Dads 3. No Gatorade.
  10. Which coach do we get to hit?
  11. Hang in there Papa. Know that all your buds in blue are thinking of you. Let us know if we can help. Merry Christmas
  12. Nice job Hit Away 16U. Did they pick up a new coach or something? ;D
  13. Not true! It would be unprofessional for an umpire to talk about one coach to another. I may have commented on how great a guy he is or how he does such a good job coaching 3rd (umpires like outs), but certainly nothing negative.
  14. Yes, the one with lots of pictures. ;D
  15. Like pearls before swine! 8)
  16. She was smiling because, since OCG was playing, she wasn't the shortest person on the field.
  17. Okay, here's what happened: 1 - Tx Sting runner takes off from 1st to steal 2nd. OCG catcher can't get a handle on the ball and makes no throw. 2 - I turn and see OCG head coach giving his catcher the "WTH" look. The catcher returns the "IDK" look. 3 - Next, and here's the important part, as I am coming around to sweep the plate, the Sting runner is heading back to 1st. 4 - I glance over to my partner and see she has the "WTH just happened" look on her face and I am pretty sure she just missed a Look-Back call. 5 - Realizing everyone else's confusion, I calmly motion the Sting runner back to 2nd base. 6 - Out comes the OCG head coach with the same "WTH" look he had earlier. 7 - I explained to him that time was called so I could sweep the plate and he, apparently satisfied with my explanation, returned to the dugout. 8 - Meanwhile, the Tx Sting coach had the "cat that ate the canary" look on his face. I think it was just a case of the participants and observers not understanding the high level of officiating that was taking place on the field. People often throw rocks at things they've never seen before. ;D That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I will say this though, everyone remained calm throughout the entire thing and nobody got tossed. Had this happened during my last game however, I'm certain the ejection count would have been higher with possibly some bloodletting to boot. ;D
  18. The Crush crew did a great job preparing the fields for play this weekend. But when an OCG player tried to score from second on a dribbler to 3rd, I thought CC had mistakenly sent her home. Come to find out, the field crew had missed a small clump of dirt that blocked her view of his stop sign. This goes to show that even the best of field crews can miss something that can affect the game.
  19. I know Cheater said not to but, see Rule 10-8.B: "Play will be suspended whenever the plate umpire leaves the umpires position to brush the plate or to perform other duties not directly connected with the calling of plays." See also Rule 10-1: "The plate umpire shall have the authority to make decisions on any situations not specifically covered in the rules." Also, I checked the Scoring section of the rule book and nowhere does it mention E-U. It's good to be the King! 8)
  20. Congratulations, Ashleigh. BTW, if it weren't for you and the balloons, I'd swear this was a police lineup. I would have a hard time picking the one that looked the most guilty of something. ;D
  21. Most pitchers do as well. ;D
  22. I only wish I would have thought of this first. And " Pitcher's Parent" just doesn't have the same ring. I think you're right. I'll leave the women out of it. Pitcher's Moms are much, much harder to deal with. Just ask the Picther's Dads.
  23. It probably has more to do with the fact that J. Lampl is an idiot. Only when they speak.
  24. You're my hero BHBLUE! We had it pretty quiet over at Dyess. It's a shame you had to deal with that at an exposure tournament. But imagine my surprise when I had to ask a "coach" to leave during a high school Fall ball game! I guess I've been hanging around you too much. ;D More like not enough. You usually have a coming influence on me. BTW, our favorite state champion coach's team came across our field. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it was on my game off. Had it not been for that, my ejection count would probably been up to 3.
  25. Yeah, I guess I'll have quit discriminating against the men and start using the term "pitcher's parents" instead of "pitcher's dads". Had a good weekend at SK. Pretty good ball being played. I did, however, have to relieve a couple "gentlemen" of their coaching duties. Disappointing at an event like this, but not surprising.
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